Return to Index Table of Contents
BHI1080 | Bach Art of fugue | review |
— | Beethoven Schubert pno sons | review |
Barking Dog Records
BR1009 | Beethoven str qts | review |
BR1308 | Bartok Wooden Prince | review |
BR1910 | Liszt Bartok pno wks | review |
BR1922 | Bartok vln sons | review |
CDM0022 | Gloria et Malum | review |
CDM0023 | Zacara Gentile | review |
CDM0025 | Lucrezia | review |
CDM0026 | Halle Robin et Marion | review |
SOB01 | Schubert sys | review |
SOB02 | Honegger sys | review |
SOB03 | Schubert sy9 | review |
SOB06 | Stravinsky rite | review review |
SOB07 | Schubert sys | review |
SOB10 | Stravinsky Firebird | review |
SOB11 | Stravinsky Petrushka | review |
ACD6027 | Cherubini requiem | review |
no number | Daugherty Mississippi | review |
BC2907 | Ghosts | review |
MAF003 | Arnold Brass band | review |
— | Gardonyi choral wks | review |
HVALUR42 | Finnish Shades | review |
Bel Air Music
2029 | The Music of Aldo Finzi | review |
2030 | Rubinstein PC4 Rachmaninov Paganini Rhapsody | review |
2031 | Chopin piano & orch works | review |
2032 | Beethoven PC 5 & Schubert Symph 8 | review |
Bella Musica
BM142033 | Bach Goldberg Variations Schafer (piano) | review |
BM149006 | Schoenberg Gurrelieder | review |
BM149007 | Pno recital Schmidt | review |
BM312173 | Elena Kuschnerova (piano) recital | review |
BM312361 | Brahms Violin Concerto | review |
BM312377 | Music for three guitars | review |
BM312391 | Manfred Reuthe – Klaviermusik | review |
BM312392 | Carl Flesch-Akademie Preisträgerkonzert | review |
BM312397 | Haydn CC Mendelssohn VC | review |
BM312415 | Shostakovich Meyer pno trios | review |
BM312449 | Piano dreams | review |
BM312473 | Ferenc Kiss portrait | review |
BM313065 | German Music for Christmas | review |
BM316525 | So ein Kuss kommt von allein | review |
BM316531 | Easy to handel | review |
BM317043 | Piazzolla sense of tango | review |
BVD08005 | Brahms orch woks | review |
BVD08053 | Gluck Orphee | review |
10130 | Schoenberg Pierrot | review |
10138 | Wagner Ring | review |
10146 | Mozart sy39 | review |
10148 | Mozart pno wks Backhaus | review |
10152 | Mozart PC sy Karajan | review |
SIGCD900 | Russian treasures | review review |
SIGCD901 | Medieval chant | review |
SIGCD902 | Very English Christmas | review review |
SIGCD903 | Chilcott Sun moon | review review |
SIGCD904 | Music of the spheres | review review |
Berse Records
9121830 | Andrew Griffiths (baritone) | review |
Berthold Records
BGS108 | Dodgson Follow the Star etc. | review |
BGS111 | Let go – 3 gtrs | review |
BGS112 | Per Suonare | review |
BGS125 | Weiss lute wks v3 | review |
BGS129 | Mompou cancons | review |
no number | Moon Saros | review |
005 | Shostakovich preludes & fugues | review |
BR8964 | A different take | review |
BBM1008 | MacMillan chamber works | review |
BBM1009 | Feeney The Hunchback of Notre Dame – Ballet | review |
BBM1010 | Brahms Violin Sonatas 1-3 | review |
BBM1016 | Elgar Rediscovered works for violin v1 | review |
BBM1027 | Prokofiev Works for cello & piano | review |
BBM1030 | O’Reilly Pie Jesu & other Irish choral composers | review |
BBM1032 | Schnittke & Shostakovich Cello Sonatas etc. | review review |
BBM1035 | Walton SQ’s | review |
BBM1039 | Génia Unveiled. Music from Russia’s Women Composers | review |
BBM1041 | Holst The Planets (piano version) | review |
BBM1047 | Elgar Rediscovered works for violin v2 | review |
BBM1050 | Curiale Awakening | review |
bbm1056 | 20th Century Music For Classical Accordion | review |
BBM1065 | Turnage Music to Hear Nash Ensemble | review |
BBM1069 | Volans SQs 1, 2 & 6 | review |
BBM1070 | Grieg Cello works R Wallfisch | review |
BBM1071 | Part collection | review |
BBM1073 | Voices v2 Half-Close Your Eyes: The Verlaine Songbook | review |
BBM1078 | Talbot The Dying Swan | review |
BBM1081 | Hawes Blue in Blue | review |
BBM1082 | Metcalfe Scorching bay | review |
BBM1083 | Heath Sirocco concerto/orchestral works | review |
BBM1086 | Fitkin Kaplan | review |
BBM1088 | Duo Mandala – Tapestry | review |
BBM1093 | Schnittke chbr wks | review |
BBM1095 | Knots | review |
BBM1097 | Reich Different trains | review |
BBM1101 | Tavener lieder | review review |
BBM1102 | Rorem choral wks | review |
BBM1103 | Hovhaness PCs | review |
BBM1104 | Rorem Auden songs | review |
BBM1105 | Berio Sequenza | review |
BBM1109 | Schoenfield Pno wks | review |
BGR219 | Poulenc babar | review |
BGR235 | Corbett Absconditus | review |
BGR253 | Gordon silver rain | review |
BGR255 | Liebermann cello sons | review |
BGR257 | Stravinsky Bacri trios | review |
BGR291 | Music of Armenia | review |
BGR301 | Schubert Osborne impromptus | review |
BGR391 | Dreamtime | review |
BGR507 | Bruch Khachaturian VCs | review |
BGR609 | Mosaic | review |
BGR615 | Price pno wks | review |
BGR645 | Liebermann concs | review |
BGR655 | T Kirchner pno wks | review |
BGR675 | Kesselman Would that loving | review |
BHCD1001 | Dufay motets | review |
BHCD1002 | Peterhouse partbooks v1 | review |
BHCD1003 | Peterhouse partbooks v2 | review |
BHCD1004 | Peterhouse partbooks v3 | review |
BHCD1005 | Peterhouse partbooks v4 | review |
BHCD1006 | Christmas in Medieval England | review |
BHCD1010 | Ockeghem songs v1 | review |
BHCD1011 | 14C Salmagundi | review |
BHCD1012 | Machaut Remede | review |
BMG5189 | Horn & sound | review |
20131 | Zemlinsky Dunki str qts | review |
CDBMRGOLO6 | Rimsky-K Golovanov | review |
CDBMR009155-63 | Beethoven String Quartets | review |
CDBMR308272 | Modern Russian Works for Cello | review |
BR1049 | Riley In C | review |
001 | Brahms vln sons | review |
BRAVO0720 | Surprised by beauty | review |
LBM011 | Brahms pno qts | review |
LBM012 | Brahms str qnts, sxts | review |
LBM013 | Saint-Saens Ascanio | review |
LBM017 | Degout poemes | review |
LBM018 | Saint-Saens chmbr wks | review |
LBM023 | Brahms vla sons | review |
LBM025 | Schubert Schone Mullerin | review |
LBM028 | Brahms cello sons | review |
LBM032 | 2 pno wks | review |
LBM048 | Chants nostalgiques | review review |
LBM049 | Schmitt Salome | review |
LBM058 | Schumann Chamber works with wind instruments | review |
LBM060 | R Strauss Metamorphosen for String Septet & Piano Quartet | review review |
LBM068 | Erlanger La sorcière | review |
OSBR36033 | Bruckner sy5 | review |
OSBR37010 | Bruckner sy4 | review |
OSBR37016 | Bruckner sy8 | review |
OSBR38006 | Bruckner sy5 | review |
OSBR39005 | Bruckner sy7 | review |
B42709003 | Silence and music | review |
Bright Shiny Things
BTSC0124 | Echoes of Bach | review |
BTSC0141 | Voices in the wilderness | review |
BTSC0158 | Huang Dust | review |
BTSC0166 | Americanist | review |
BTSC0175 | Schubert Schone mullerin | review |
BSTD0185 | 40@40 Laura Strickling (soprano) | review |
BSTD0200 | American Counterpoints | review |
BSTC0201 | Love to my liking | review |
BSTD0210 | Sheehan Akathist choral work | review |
BFI81244 | Russell composer films | review |
BRCD001 | Rigas Kamermuziki: Music by Latvian Composers in the 1990s | review |
Brodsky Records
— | Ozawa Hall 10th anniv concert | review |
BSOCL1302 | Harbison sys | review |
1401 | Sibelius sy2 | review |
1701-3 | Brahms sys | review |
BSO Recordings (Bavarian State Opera)
BSOREC0001 | Mahler sy 7 | review |
BSOREC0003 | Mendelssohn Elias | review |
BSOREC1001 DVD | Korngold Tote stadt | review |
BSOREC2001 Blu-ray | Korngold Tote stadt | review |
BSOREC2003 Blu-ray | Stravinsky Mavra | review |
BSOREC2004 Blu-ray | Giordano Andrea Chernier Kaufmann | review |
CD9406 | Female cmpsrs | review |