Bella Adamova (contralto) There is home (Supraphon)

A superb recital of art songs, all of which perfectly suit her crystal-clear voice [SA]

Schubert: The Piano Sonatas (DG)

(Déjà Review) If a one-pianist complete set is required at reasonable price Kempff proves a generally reliable guide [CC]

Delius mass LWC1265

Delius: A Mass of Life (LAWO Classics)

The mighty Mass of Life is revealed as a genuine masterpiece in this blazing performance [NB]

Beethoven mehta 37950 1

Beethoven: Symphonies 1-9 (Dynamic)

A long awaited cycle that is ultimately disappointing [LD]

Mozart pianovol8 CHAN20246

Mozart: Piano Concertos Vol. 8 (Chandos)

Bavouzet and Takács-Nagy are an ideal partnership in demonstrating the zest, eloquence and operatic underpinning of Mozart’s piano concertos [MG]

Clara SchumannBrahms 4864202

For Clara: Robert Schumann & Brahms (Deutsche Grammophon)

A thoughtfully conceived and excellently executed programme [JQ]

Distler clemens 620684

Distler: Die Weihnachtsgeschichte (OUR Recordings)

In the great German tradition of sung Biblical narrative, but reinterpreted for the early 20th century [ST]

BergN syms 7776652

Berg: Symphonies Nos 4 & 5 (cpo)

Two wildly contrasting symphonies from the Swedish military veterinarian [JW]

Rossini Donna 764308

Rossini: La donna del lago (C Major)

A musically outstanding but unusual production of Rossini’s splendid opera [RWe]

Prokofiev Nevsky 09026637082

Prokofiev & Khachaturian (RCA Victor)

(Déjà Review) A classic recording restored in its best sound [TD]

RVW Job RLPO Manze Onyx 4240

Vaughan Williams: Job – A Masque for Dancing (Onyx)

A highly persuasive account of Job [JQ]

Kagami Mirror viola da gamba Ramee RAM2204

Kagami – Mirror: viola da gamba pieces (Ramée)

Very personal choice of viola da gamba pieces, performed with much sensitivity [JV]

Henze Royal Winter Music NovAntiqua LC28904

Henze: Royal Winter Music (NovAntiqua)

Three hours of enlightenment and entertainment [ZT]

H2O Respighi Rimsky-Korsakov Ravel ANCLEF 20240322


Three Orchestral Masterpieces effectively rendered in piano 4-hands versions by their composers [NB]

Wagner Siegfried Rattle BR Klassik 900021

Wagner: Siegfried (BR Klassik)

Simon Rattle’s traversal of the Ring finally reaches Siegfried, with highly recommendable results [PCG]

Aichinger Virginalia 1607 Tactus TC560101

Aichinger: Virginalia 1607 – Motets (Tactus)

Discover complete Marian motets by a respected but largely forgotten late-Renaissance German master [GH]

Clarke Farrenc Alba ABCD524

Rebecca & Louise – Chamber Works (Alba)

Two fine chamber works given passionately committed performances by this outstanding Finnish ensemble [GPJ]

Berlioz Songs Gens Virgin VC5454222

Berlioz: Les nuits d’été and other songs (Virgin Classics)

(Déjà Review) Véronique Gens joins the exalted ranks of Crespin and Baker for top placing in Les nuits dété, and comes top of the list for modern recordings. A truly beautiful record [CC]

Coleridge-Taylor: Partsongs (Delphian)

An enjoyable collection of partsongs [JQ]

Humperdinck Konigskinder Naxos2110759

Humperdinck: Königskinder (Naxos)

Impressive and likely to remain unchallenged for a very long time [MP]

shostakovich violin cedille

Dependent Rising (Cedille)

Magnetically communicative music given electric performances [DMD]

Krzyzanowski piano acte prealable

Krzyżanowski: Piano Works Vol. 4 (Acte Préalable)

Best yet in the exploratory series of Krzyżanowski’s piano music [RCh]

santillan symphonies da vinci

Santillán: Symphonies (Da Vinci Classics)

Oscillates between dissonant folk-inflected modernism and schmaltz; neither approach works [RHa]

empire commonwealth ars organi

Empire to Commonwealth (Ars Organi)

Underwhelming music performed with zealous commitment [NB]