meyer clarinet french emi warner

Sabine Meyer (clarinet) French Works (Warner Classics)

(Déjà Review) An outstanding achievement [MC]

verdi milanov nimbus

Zinka Milanov (soprano) Sings Verdi (Nimbus)

(Déjà Review) These excerpts from four favourite roles show Milanov almost constantly in the best possible light [GF]

Forbidden Fruit (Alpha Classics)

A deeply uplifting experience, and I recommend that you make the same journey [GF]

Weinberg: String Quartets (Alto)

Early accounts of two introspective quartets and of two often upbeat orchestral works [RB]

Offenbach: La Périchole (Naxos)

A benchmark production of Offenbach’s opéra bouffe, subtle yet full of colour [RW]

The Living American (Albany)

A most enjoyable guide to the world of contemporary US composers [DMD]

Barber: The Complete Songs (Brilliant Classics)

What should have been an important and innovative release ruined by basic failures of presentation [PCG]

L Glass: Symphony No. 4 (cpo)

Raiskin makes this work sing [RB]

Mozart: Overtures (RCA)

(Déjà Review) Davis cleaves to traditional values with his superlative orchestra, splendidly recorded [JW]

Monteverdi: Vespers (Hyperion)

(Déjà Review) Truly mind-blowing – I can’t imagine it being replaced any time soon [DC]

takemitsu spectral canticle bis

Takemitsu: Spectral Canticle (BIS)

Sumptuous playing and sound entice us into Takemitsu’s magical kingdom [DM]

Eudice Shapiro (violin) (Biddulph)

A lovingly restored aural document of an exceptional violinist and remarkable musician [SG]

Bloch: Orchestral Works (Alto)

Often eloquently introspective but rising to anger and vigour [RB]

Bach Family: Motets (Christophorus)

Unusual performances due to relatively slow tempi, but full of expression [JV]

atmospheriques sono luminus

Atmospheriques Vol. 1 (Sono Luminus)

Dark Nordic masterpieces from this fine Icelandic orchestra [GPJ]

Clara Rockmore’s Lost Theremin Album (Bridge)

An affectionate tribute and mostly a pleasure that these recordings been set free [RB]

Debussy: Orchestral Works (Eloquence)

(Déjà Review) A delightful Debussy collection, excellently performed [MC]

Butterworth: Chamber Music (Dutton)

(Déjà Review) Tuneful and tonal works from a contemporary composer, in accomplished and suave performances [EML]

farrenc syms 5419752210

Farrenc: Symphonies (Erato)

Another important step in establishing the reputation of this gifted composer [GPJ]

Haydn qts FF004

Haydn: String Quartets Op 76 (NoMadMusic)

Fresh, mischievous Haydn from a brilliant young quartet [DMD]

Castrapolis BIS2585

Castrapolis: Neapolitan Cantatas & Arias (BIS)

An attractive programme of largely unfamiliar music from ‘Baroque’ Naples [GPu]

Harrison chamber RES10313

Harrison: Chamber Works (Resonus)

Chamber music pastures tilled by a little-known British melodist [RB]

Godfrey nightingale PFCD197

Corfield Godfrey: The Nightingale and the Rose (Prima Facie)

Admiringly appraised … a contemporary ‘take’ on romantic and lush impressionism [RB]

Gade piano C00685

Gade: Piano Works (Da Vinci Classics)

Attractive music but underwhelming performances [RCh]