- Ch’amor mi prese – Sacred and Secular Love in Medieval Italy (Tactus)Music from the age of Boccaccio, performed colourfully, with sensitivity and imagination [GH]
- Eleonora Buratto (soprano) Indomita (Pentatone)Committed, full-throated bel canto singing – but it must be measured against formidable competition [RMo]
- Gulda & Weill: Violin Concertos (Gramola)Brilliant performances of unusual, even quirky, repertoire [NB]
- Jelly d’Arányi (violin): Columbia recordings (Biddulph)The cultured elegance of violinist Jelly d’Arányi in recordings from the 1920s and 30s [JW]
- JS Bach: English Suites (Brilliant Classics)Rübsam brings a fresh and intoxicating musicality to these captivating scores [SG]
- Mahler: Symphony 5 (SWR Music)A newly released live recording reminds us of the legacy of a great Mahlerian [DHa]
- Nathan Milstein (violin): Works by Brahms and Beethoven (Naxos)(Déjà Review) Aristocratic playing and transfers that sound extremely well [JW]
- Boccherini: Cello Sonatas (Hyperion Helios)(Déjà Review) The players are clearly at home with these sonatas providing high expression combined with superb technique [MC]
- Bach: The Art of the Fugue (Aparté)An interesting take on this contrapuntal masterpiece – but the sound engineering is peculiar [RMo]
- Haydn: Symphonies 94, 95, 98 & 99 (RCA)Virtuosic performances of Haydn full of wit, zest and the exuberance of life [PH]
- Tebe Boga Hvalim – We Praise Thee, O God (DUX)The Varslavia Ensemble showcases the voice as an instrument for a magical experience [SA]
- Arthur Catterall (violin) Mozart, Brahms and Franck (Biddulph)Concertmaster-soloist Arthur Catterall in historically valuable late acoustic recordings [JW]
- Strohl: Orchestral Music (La Boîte à Pépites)Very interesting and worthwhile music in excellent performances [JQ]
- Blanche Marchesi (soprano): Complete Recordings (Marston Records)A glimpse back into a Golden Age of singing [PH]
- Bainton & Boughton: Symphonies (Dutton)(Déjà Review) Resplendently carried off [RB]
- Beethoven: Symphony No.9 (Naxos)(Déjà Review) Not just recommended but absolutely essential to any civilised person [SH]
- Boito: Nerone (Dynamic)A valiant effort all-around but the cast is largely disappointing in vocal accomplishment [MP]
- Gurney: Songs Vol 2 (Naxos)Admirers of Gurney’s music and of English song in general should hasten to acquire this important release [JQ]
- JS Bach: The Art of Fugue (Linn)Bach’s last work goes well on a viol consort [SB]
- Tchaikovsky: String Quartets Vol 2 (Rubicon)An outstanding account of Tchaikovsky’s superb, if neglected, Third Quartet [RWe]
- Langgaard: The Early Recordings (Danacord)Danish Radio’s role in the Langgaard rediscovery is made explicit in this significant release [JW]
- WF Bach, CPE Bach & Benda: The Age of Extremes (Arcana)An impressive collection with Il Pomo d’Oro giving first class performances [MC]
- Wanda Landowska (harpsichord): Harpsichord Music and Dances of Ancient Poland (Naxos)(Déjà Review) Wilful but utterly stimulating [GF]
- Beethoven, Bartók & Brahms: Perspectives 2 (Avie)(Déjà Review) Sequels rarely live up to the promise of the original, but here is an exception [CC]
- Evgeny Mravinsky (conductor) Mravinsky in Helsinki (Janus Classics)A headless Shostakovich symphony makes for a dispiriting experience [DHa]
- Sauer & Ansorge: Piano Concertos (Capriccio)Two German contemporaries and their very different approaches to the piano concerto [JW]
- Two Violas • Regeneration (Meridian)Another well-constructed and well-played recital in Mallinson and Weisner’s series [WK]
- Mercadante: Flute Quartets Vol. 1 (Dynamic)Nice music, good flutist, so-so strings [SV]
- A Parisian in Paris: Contemporary Works for Guitar (Naxos)An entertaining conspectus of contemporary guitar music from the French capital, all well played and recorded [GPu]
- Scheherazade: Rimsky-Korsakov & Bortkiewicz (Danacord)These two works are ideal companions and Hirose is fervent in her brilliant playing of them [RCh]
- Shostakovich: Symphony 8 (BIS)An interesting and highly individual performance worth hearing. [SA]
- Delectatio Angeli: Music of love, longing and lament (Hyperion)I enjoyed practically everything that this disc offered with the Dufay being the star [GH]
- Antheil: Venus in Africa (cpo)A late satiric opera by Antheil, splendidly realised, devoid of Bad Boy but not devoid of spice and wit [JW]
- Dances for Orchestra (Alto)This budget priced album is a great introduction to the dances by many of the better-known British composers [KT]
- Fauré: Orchestral Works (Naxos)This fine disc whets the appetite for further volumes on the centenary of Fauré’s death [LW]
- Gounod: Romeó et Juliette (Pristine Audio)This issue must now be the top recommendation for this classic historic performance [GF]
- Elgar: Boult’s forgotten recordings (SOMM)Boult’s stature as the leading Elgarian reaffirmed in spoken word and musical deed [NB]
- Łukaszewski: Musica Profana 4 (DUX)The perfect introduction to a composer who not only writes beautiful music but also tugs on the heartstrings [SA]
- Glass: Symphonies 2 and 3 (Naxos)(Déjà Review) Now we know what a minimalist symphony can be [HC]
- Fauré: The Complete Songs Volume 1 (Hyperion)(Déjà Review) No lover of song should be without this one [KS]
- Dreames & Imaginations (TYXart)Lovely singing and playing, with a special role for the lyra viol [JV]