Toccata Classics

Enescu Unknown Vol-2 Toccata TOCC0647

Enescu: The Unknown Enescu Vol. 2 (Toccata)

Restored Enescu reveals his versatility and variety in fine performances [JW]

lourie chamber TOCC0652

Lourié: Chamber and Instrumental Music Vol. 1 (Toccata)

A transplanted Russian composer who valued intimate conjunctions and statuesque ritual [JW]

hartmann orchestral toccata

de Hartmann: Orchestral Works (Toccata)

Fascinating music written on an epic scale played with skill and conviction – an exciting discovery [NB]

Tabakov symphonies TOCC0636

Tabakov: Symphonies Vol. 7 (Toccata)

A disc that lovers of contemporary music will find fascinating and hugely rewarding [SA]

Hartmann orchestral TOCC676

Hartmann: Orchestral Music Vol. 2 (Toccata)

A great Romantic symphony and an unusual concerto [LD]