
Terry Barfoot

Bottesini DBass 9996652

Bottesini: Double Bass Concertos (cpo)

(Déjà Review) The performances have fire, commitment and eloquence, and will surely convince even the most sceptical of listeners [TB]

Bruckner sym3 09026639332

Bruckner: Symphony No. 3 (RCA)

(Déjà Review) Distinction and commitment, sonorous and urgently compelling [TB]

bach organ cpo

Bach: Organ Works Vol. 12 (cpo)

(Déjà Review) Weinberger succeeds in conveying the personalities of these pieces [TB]

Bliss String Qu 1 Maggini Naxos 8.557108

Bliss: String Quartet 1 (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) An interesting and worthwhile issue in every way [TB]

debussy piano ogawa bis

Debussy: Piano Music Vol. 1 (BIS)

(Déjà Review) The unique sound-world of Debussy is delivered with the utmost conviction [TB]

mahler symphony litton delos

Mahler: Symphony No. 10 (Delos)

(Déjà Review) With a top-rate Mahler conductor in charge of a top class orchestra, this recording demands serious attention [TB]

bach organ herrick hyperion

Bach: Complete Organ Works (Hyperion)

(Déjà Review) Undoubtedly ranks among the finest achievements of recorded music in recent times [TB]

Bach St Matthew Passion Klemperer Warner 2435675382

Bach: St Matthew Passion (Warner Classics)

(Déjà Review) One of the great recordings of the century – the Bach tradition represented by Klemperer has much to tell us about this music [TB]