
John France

Poulenc Piano Works Damgaard Danacord DACOCD960

Poulenc: Piano Works (Danacord Records)

Affectionate, elegant and sophisticated performances [JF]

Havergal Brian: Symphonies No. 8, 9, 22, 24 (Heritage)

Brilliant re-masterings of superb, and possibly definitive, recordings [JF]

macfarren soldier retrospect

Macfarren: The Soldier’s Legacy (Retrospect Opera)

A highly melodic Victorian opera – good tunes, vivacious duets, trio and quartets [JF]

Wild Sounds 1923 BR 900206

Der wilde Sound der 20er – 1923 (BR Klassik)

Four works reflect the time between modernity and tradition, revolution and republic, jazz and dance music [JF]

widor organ solstice

Widor: Organ Symphonies 9 & 10 (Solstice)

A satisfying, inspiring and moving recital [JF]

One Hundred Years of British Song Vol. 3 (SOMM)

Exemplary singing and sensitive accompaniment in a fascinating song recital [JF]

Whistling book english recorder music divine art DDA21241

The Whistling Book (Divine Art)

An absorbing smorgasbord of music, from grade pieces for tyros to major recital works [JF]

gal voices TOCC0644

Gál: Music for Voices Vol. 2 (Toccata)

An absorbing cross-section of vocal works composed over a period of four decades [JF]

Musique lyrique pour cor et piano (Danacord)

A rewarding exploration of a variety of virtuosic works – technical wizardry and sheer lyricism [JF]

Cooke: Organ Music (Toccata)

An absorbing exploration of most of Arnold Cooke’s organ music [JF]

Hand PFCD192

Hand: Collection (Prima Facie)

A great introduction to the composer’s oeuvre [JF]

Ravel piano Marshev DACOCD904

Ravel: Piano Music Vol. 2 (Danacord)

The second of three volumes, of great interest to all Ravelians [JF]

Gregson world DOYCD414

Gregson: Music Vol. 7 (Doyen)

Another volume of Edward Gregson’s brass band music, rewarding and engaging [JF]

Vienna calling CC077

Vienna Calling (Samek)

A well-balanced recital of clarinet music from Vienna [JF]

Schulhoff shapeshifter DE3566

Schulhoff: Shapeshifter (Delos)

A great introduction to the achievement of an unjustifiably less well-known composer [JF]

Mendelssohn jahr DACOCD957

Fanny Mendelssohn: Das Jahr (Danacord)

A powerful work of considerable creative strength and technical proficiency [JF]

Holst choral SOMMCD279

Holst: Choral Works (Somm)

A significant release of Holst’s sacred choral music [JF]

Hartmann piano DACOCD950

Hartmann: Piano Works vol. 4 (Danacord)

This specialist-market disc will appeal to enthusiasts of Danish music and romanticism [JF]