Glyn Pursglove
Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Greeting Cards (Naxos)
Intimate, sophisticated music, by turns lyrical and thoughtful, given excellent performances [GPu]
Martines: Psalms and Symphony (cpo)
The outstanding work here is the Dixit Dominus, making it clear what a fine composer Martines was [GPu]
D Scarlatti: Violin Sonatas (Obsidian)
Makes a very strong case for treating these sonatas as violin sonatas [GPu]
Baroque Arabesque
A very enjoyable disc, full of delightful textures, infectious rhythms and inventive juxtapositions [GPu]
Citadel of Song (Heresy)
Unconventional and innovative, this may offend purists, but I find it beautiful and richly rewarding [GPu]
Malipiero, Ghedini & Casella: Cello & Orchestra (Naxos)
Ghedini’s work is the standout on this well-played, interesting disc [GPu]
Vers la source dans le bois (Da Vinci Classics)
If you like the French chamber music of this period, you will be in safe hands with this Italian trio [GPu]
Rautavaara: The Gift of the Magi (Arthaus Musik)
(Déjà Review) An intelligent, small-scale opera well performed, and accompanied by a moderately interesting documentary [Gpu]
Araja & Pellegrini: Keyboard Works (Brilliant Classics)
Two little known composers whose work illustrates the polarities of harpsichord music in 18th century Italy [GPu]
Bacewicz: Violinissimo (Acte Préalable)
A feast of varied music for violin(s) [GPu]
Mignone and Delvizio: Guitar Works (Da Vinci Classics)
A striking set of guitar studies heard in an excellent performance [GPu]
Gaubert: Chamber Music (Claves)
Assured and attractive music by a major figure in the history of the flute, well played and recorded [GPu]
Matiegka: Sonatas for Guitar (Bridge)
An outstanding, indeed revelatory recording which makes an irresistible case for Matiegka’s sonatas [GPu]