Divine Art

Divine Art at 30

An interview with label founder Stephen Sutton by Rob Barnett

piano children divine

Piano Music for Children (Divine Art)

(Déjà Review) I don’t know whose idea this CD was, but it was a brilliant one [GPJ]

Baines pictures DDA25234

Baines: Pictures of Light (Divine Art)

A splendid new disc with inspiring music in glowing recorded sound [DJ]

cello diverse divine

Cello Diverse (Divine Art)

(Déjà Review) Some of the finest, most purposeful, cello playing I’ve heard in a long time [BBr]

Whistling book english recorder music divine art DDA21241

The Whistling Book (Divine Art)

An absorbing smorgasbord of music, from grade pieces for tyros to major recital works [JF]

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Baines: Pictures of Light (Divine Art)

Baines’ piano music always impresses and is well performed here, the songs less so [NB]