szymanowski mythes bis

Szymanowski: Music for Violin and Piano (BIS)

Sensational Szymanowski played with utter technical control and expressive abandon [NB]

Haydn: String Quartets op. 33 No. 1-3 (BIS)

A very valid interpretation emphasizing Haydn’s wit and invention [LP]

tchaikovsky piano bis

Romeo and Juliet – Tchaikovsky on the Piano (BIS)

Extraordinary playing of the highest quality and familiar music shown in a new light [RCh]

bruckner symphony dausgaard bis

Bruckner: Symphony No. 4 (BIS)

Speed is not a substitute for energy [DP]

Respighi: The Birds & Ancient Dances and Airs (BIS)

A performance worthy of the best classics, but with new, modern sound [DP]

Schubert elysium BIS2573

Schubert: Elysium (BIS)

This journey to the Elysian fields is a recital that should satisfy all lovers of Schubert [GF]

Skalkottas Concertos BIS

Skalkottas: Concertos (BIS)

Fine performances of rare concertos continue BIS’s mammoth Skalkottas series [GH]

mahler symphony bis vanska

Mahler: Symphony 9 (BIS)

Going through the motions is not enough with Mahler [DP]

CPE Bach: Complete Keyboard Concertos Vol. 16 (BIS)

(Déjà Review) The latest volume in this epic project is as good a place as any to start and may be approached with confidence [BW]

Shostakovich: Symphony No. 14 (BIS)

(Déjà Review) A superb performance by all concerned; a worthy addition to the catalogue [JP]

Saint-Saëns: Violin Sonatas (BIS)

Very attractive music beautifully played and caught in ideally sympathetic sound [NB]

Chopin: Piano Concertos (BIS)

(Déjà Review) These fine chamber renderings of the Chopin concertos make them sound as if that is how they were meant to be [JL]

schumann symphonies bis

Schumann: Symphonies (BIS)

A comprehensive survey stunningly played and beautifully recorded [NB]

Chinoiserie Lin BISCD1110

Chinoiserie (BIS)

A veritable treasure trove of delights [CC]

A Bird Came Down the Walk (BIS)

(Déjà Review) One of those rare recital recordings that actually plays best as a recital [PSh]

Netzel, Sandström, Tarrodi: Piano Concerti (BIS)

A master pianist in music written for (and by) him – a voyage of discovery [WH]

Wolf Italienisches Liederbuch BIS2553

Wolf: Italienisches Liederbuch (BIS)

A beautiful realisation of Wolf’s great song collection, particularly remarkable for the contribution of Allan Clayton’s tenor voice [ST]

Bruch Violin Concerto Gluzman BISSACD1852

Bruch: Violin Concerto 1 (BIS)

(Déjà Review) Quite the finest performance of the Bruch concerto I have ever heard [CF]

Sorabji: Opus Clavicembalisticum (BIS)

(Déjà Review) Finally we have a great recording of this spellbinding piece [GF]

Armenian rhapsody BISCD1948

Armenian Rhapsody (BIS)

(Déjà Review) The APO’s considerable team talents are put to fine use on this quality all-Armenian disc [Byz]

swedish piano BIS2576

Swedish Piano Concertos (BIS)

Three strongly contrasting works for piano and orchestra repay repeated hearings [HC]

Sharon Bezaly (flute): Synergy (BIS)

Pleasing and moving, played with soulful and technical virtuosity [RB]

Bezaly synergy BIS2339

Sharon Bezaly (flute) Synergy (BIS)

Creative programming; superior renditions [ZT]

Tchaikovsky: Serenade for Strings (BIS)

A wholly successful compilation of deeply melancholy and Romantic melodies for those with a sweet tooth [RMo]