
Rob Challinor

valmalete haas meloclassic

Madeleine de Valmaléte & Monique Haas (piano) The Swiss Piano Recitals (Meloclassic)

It is wonderful to hear these pianists who have been undeservedly forgotten and in new works to their discography [RCh]

khachaturian transcriptions grand piano

Khachaturian: Piano Transcriptions (Grand Piano)

Khachaturian’s colourful scores brought to life at the piano [RCh]

radwan sakuraphon

Auguste de Radwan (piano) Complete Recordings (Sakuraphon)

An unknown Leschetizky pupil whose recordings are strictly for those interested in the Polish pedagogue’s legacy [RCh]

Lecuona: Piano Music (Fuga Libera)

An engaging and varied recital of Lecuona’s colourful piano music [RCh]

Johannes Obermeier (piano): Brilliants (Genuin)

A début that very much lives up to its name [RCh]

askenase live meloclassic

Stefan Askenase (piano) Live Concert Performances (Meloclassic)

Meloclassic are doing us a real service adding to the discography of this wonderfully sensitive pianist [RCh]

ana chopin beethoven sonatas

Chopin & Beethoven Piano Sonatas (Warner Classics)

Strong, thoughtful and vivacious performances of these revolutionary sonatas [RCh]

Louis Glass: Piano Works Volume 2 (Danacord)

Attractive piano miniatures by a late-Romantic Dane [RCh]

20th Century Foxtrots Vol 6: Southern Europe (Grand Piano)

Delights all round on this Mediterranean exploration [RCh]

brailowsky concert meloclassic

Alexander Brailowsky (piano) Live Concert Performances in Europe (Meloclassic)

Playing that leaves you gasping, mostly in astonishment but occasionally in frustration [RCh]

Scriabin: Piano Sonatas No 2-4 & other piano works (Bridge Records)

The cream of Scriabin’s early sonatas and a handful of miniatures in strong performances [RCh]

mythos memories da vinci

Mythos and Memories (Da Vinci Classics)

Bold playing and a glorious richness of writing in Mariani’s evocative soundscapes [RCh]

Dohnányi: Piano works (Capriccio)

Gülbadamova has a feel for Dohnányi’s style in this rewarding recital [RCh]

Jorge Bolet (piano) His earliest recordings (APR)

Bolet at his sparkling best back in the catalogue [RCh]

Orefice: Piano Works (Dynamic)

Atmospheric and evocative piano music from this little-known Italian [RCh]

Pletnev berlin B108125

Mikhail Pletnev (piano) Live at Berlin Philharmonie (Farao Classics)

A sonata in romantic garb alongside familiar items in idiosyncratic performances [RCh]

Grieg PC Falla Eudora EUDSACD2405

Homeland: Grieg and de Falla (Eudora)

De Falla’s evocative music is the highlight of this disc with its unusual but highly effective coupling [RCh]

russian variations hyperion

Piers Lane (piano): Russian Variations (Hyperion)

A feast of Russian piano music served up with spectacular aplomb by Lane [RCh]

kessler piano acte prealable

Kessler: Piano Works (Acte Préalable)

Modest piano pieces by a neglected but once influential musician [RCh]

Olga Samaroff & Frank La Forge (piano): The Complete Recordings (APR)

Highly enjoyable playing by two pioneers of American pianism [RCh]

deszczynski piano acte prealable

Deszczyński: Piano Works (Acte Préalable)

Elegant early 19th century Polish piano works from a forgotten composer [RCh]

perrachio castelnuovo-tedesco da vinci

Perrachio & Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Piano Quintets (Da Vinci Classics)

Excellent performances of two vibrant but neglected chamber works [RCh]

Golinelli: Two Piano Sonatas (Dynamic)

Early Italian piano sonatas by a composer with a melodic gift and fine sense of drama [RCh]

Night GEN24828

Until Night Falls (Genuin)

Interesting programming and some evocative pianism [RCh]