
puccini butterfly pristine

Puccini: Madama Butterfly (Pristine Audio)

De los Ángeles is a winning Butterfly in this classic set, now reissued by Pristine [PT]

Pene Pati Nessun Dorma Warner 5419789771

Pene Pati (tenor): Nessun Dorma (Warner Classics)

That Pene Pati is a talented tenor far beyond the ordinary is obvious, and I hope he isn’t tempted to take on heavier roles too early [GF]

yoncheva courtesan sy11

Sonya Yoncheva (soprano) The Courtesan (SY11 Productions)

A captivating album of arias on a courtesan theme [MC]

20th Century Foxtrots Vol 6: Southern Europe (Grand Piano)

Delights all round on this Mediterranean exploration [RCh]

puccini butterfly pristine

Puccini: Madama Butterfly (Pristine Audio)

A classic if not definitive recording, in superb sound [MBu]

puccini butterfly pristine

Puccini: Madama Butterfly (Pristine Audio)

A deeply touching Butterfly and a thrilling Pinkerton who are all the more striking in Pristine’s vivid remastering [RMo]

Price choice ALC1482

Leontyne Price (soprano) Personal Choice (Alto)

One of the most glorious female voices of the 20th century, in a selection from famous recordings [EJW]

delman archives oak grove

Jacqueline Delman (soprano) More from my archives (Oak Grove)

A valuable documentation of Delman’s versatility, musically, repertoire-wise and linguistically [GF]

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New Year’s Concert – Teatro La Fenice 2023 (C Major)

A pleasing concert that will almost certainly cheer you up [MMB]

puccini trittico decca

Puccini: Il trittico (Decca)

Not a first choice recording but worth spending some time with for a few excellent individual contributions [MP]

Puccini: La bohème (Warner Classics)

This old recording still has plenty of rewards to offer [MP]

albion ralph vaughan williams serenade to music

Vaughan Williams’ Serenade to Music (Albion Records)

Another transfer of the 1938 Serenade to Music and miscellaneous songs from the 16 singers [JW]

Puccini: A te, Puccini (Signum Classics)

These songs deserve more recordings but here the vocal shortcomings are hard to ignore [MBu]

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Puccini: I Canti – Orchestral Songs (BR Klassik)

The youthful Puccini’s complete songs, robustly sung – and an even more pleasing trio of early orchestral pieces [RMo]

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Vaughan Williams’s Serenade to Music (Albion Records)

This important historical document must be judged on its own terms [JF]

Puccini Symphonic Suites Rizzi Signum SIGCD778

Puccini: Symphonic Suites (Signum Classics)

Newly edited Puccini operatic suites receive glowing performances [PCG]

A te Puccini Gheorghiu Signum SIGCD780

Angela Gheorghiu: A Te, Puccini (Signum Classics)

Not my cup of tea – in spite of some sensitive, nuanced singing, Gheorghiu’s vibrato is now too much to stomach [GF]

Puccini: Tosca (Unitel Edition)

The staging will divide opinion, but watch, listen, and let the performers convince you [WH]

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Puccini: I Canti (BR Klassik)

A disc that no Puccini admirer can dispense with [GF]

Puccini Manon Lescaut Tebaldi Pristine PACO201

Puccini: Manon Lescaut (Pristine Audio)

A so-so “classic” recording [RMas]

puccini tosca unitel

Puccini: Tosca (Unitel Editions)

Three impressive lead singers in a remarkably innovative staging which leaves the historic context far behind [RWe]

Puccini: Tosca (Pentatone)

A sonically splendid recording of Tosca overshadowed by ghosts from the past [PT]

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Puccini: I Canti (BR Klassik)

Charles Castronovo breathes new life to these smart orchestrations of Puccini’s piano songs [MC]

Where is my Beloved Siurina Delos DE3602

Ekaterina Siurina (soprano) Where Is My Beloved? (Delos)

I have enjoyed hearing this praiseworthy collection of ten celebrated opera arias [MC]