

Pitfield: String Chamber Music (Divine Art)

A first-rate disc of engaging music [DJ]

Endless Fascination: The life and work of Thomas Pitfield (Forsyth Brothers)

A fitting tribute to a remarkable polymath [JF]

thomas pitfield his friends contemporaries music for soprano recorder oboe strings harp

Thomas Pitfield, His Friends and Contemporaries (Divine Art)

An appropriately inspired selection of works that illustrate brilliant compositional skills [SA]


Pitfield: String Chamber Music (Divine Art)

Warm and understanding performances [WK]

highways byways divine art

Highways and Byways, Rarities for Recorder (Divine Art)

A wonderful treasure chest of rare, interesting music [JF]

Thomas Pitfield • His Friends & Contemporaries (Divine Art)

A rewarding exploration [JF]

Pitfield: String Chamber Music (Divine Art)

Performances with brilliance, technical competence and a sympathetic understanding [JF]