
Johan van Veen

In terra aliena: 15th/16th Century Spanish music (Cobra Records)

Something special: the subject, the music it illustrates, and the performance [JV]

Cazzati: Motets & Sonatas (Pan Classics)

A very good case for a composer who fortunately is on his way to being restored to his rightful place in music history [JV]

Vecchi: Le veglie di Siena (Glossa)

Impressive testimony to Vecchi’s brilliance as a composer of madrigals [JV]

Handel: Total Eclipse (SOMM Recordings)

The best of Handel in instrumental arrangements [JV]

Telemann early 5556032

Heinichen & Telemann: Early Cantatas (cpo)

Ideal performances of cantatas from early 18th-century Germany [JV]

Gebel: Johannes Passion (cpo)

(Déjà Review) A totally forgotten Passion from 18th century Germany – a splendid work, moving and enthralling [JV]

BachCPE trios 9994952

CPE Bach: Trio Sonatas (cpo)

Unjustly neglected music in good performances [JV]

Bach Fragments Organ Works Passacaille PAS-1140

Bach: Organ works completed by Lorenzo Ghielmi (Passacaille)

Indispensable for lovers of Bach’s organ music [JV]

Palestrina v9 COR16197

Palestrina: Volume 9 (Coro)

Palestrina can sound a bit academic, but not here [JV]

Vivaldi La Serenissima Signum SIGCD908

Vivaldi: Double Concertos (Signum Classics)

Impressive and irresistible performances of double concertos by Vivaldi [JV]

Santa Maria: Missa O beata Maria (Pan Classics)

An excellent performance of a mass by an unknown master from Portugal [JV]

Torelli concerti CC72989

Torelli: 12 Concerti da camera (Challenge Classics)

This ensemble could hardly have made a better debut than with this recording of little-known pieces [JV]

Jakub Józef Orliński (alto) – Beyond (Erato)

An ideal combination of mostly unfamiliar repertoire and stylistically convincing performances [JV]

Grancini Davinci C00895

Grancini: Novelli Fiori Ecclesiastici (Da Vinci Classics)

A valuable contribution to our knowledge of Italian music from the early 17th century [JV]

Bach: Orchestral Suites (Avie)

(Déjà Review) ‘Original’ versions of the Overtures – indispensable for Bach aficionados [JV]

Turner: Sacred Choral Music (Delphian)

(Déjà Review) An important addition to the catalogue – the quality of the music justifies the efforts of everyone involved [JV]

Bononcini How are the Mighty Fallen Signum SIGCD905

Bononcini: How are the mighty fallen – Choral Music (Signum Classics)

This release deserves an unequivocal welcome. The choral singing is outstanding and the Academy of Ancient Music delivers fine performances [JV]

tartini lieto davinci

Tartini: Lieto ti prendo e poi (Da Vinci Classics)

These performances bring us very close to the heart of Tartini’s musical thinking and feeling [JV]

Capriciosi affetti – Venetian Sonata of the Sixteen Hundreds (Stradivarius)

The programme is not very adventurous, but the performances are well worth hearing [JV]

aldrovandini sonatas da vinci

Aldrovandini: Trio Sonatas (Da Vinci Classics)

This disc is the perfect way to get to know Aldrovandini [JV]

L’arte del virtuoso (MDG)

An interesting programme of unfamiliar pieces [JV]

Harpsichord berlin ADX11211

Berlin Harpsichord Concertos (Audax)

Imaginative performances of four concertos, which have not been recorded before [JV]

Musical Tour Cantar alla Viola Da Vinci C00888

A Musical Tour from Renaissance to Baroque (Da Vinci Classics)

A compelling demonstration of an uncommon performance practice [JV]

Charpentier boire CVS089

Charpentier: Airs sérieux et à boire (Château de Versailles Spectacles)

An outstanding and enjoyable production [JV]