
Johan van Veen

Zelenka: Missa Gratias agimus tibi, Vesper music (Carus)

Another testimony to Zelenka’s brilliance [JV]

Sweelinck: The Orpheus of Amsterdam (Pan Classics)

These excellent performances offer a different perspective on Sweelinck’s vocal and keyboard works [JV]

Pachelbel cpo5555152

Pachelbel: Magnificat II (cpo)

An impressive display of Pachelbel’s art [JV]

Art of Harpsichor Duets Da Vinci C00956

The Art of Harpsichord Duets (Da Vinci Classics)

Energetic performances of pieces for two keyboards [JV]

affetti napoletani 18th century neapolitan music.

Affetti Napoletani. 18th Century Neapolitan Music (Da Vinci Classics)

A splendid survey of trio sonatas by Neapolitan composers [JV]

BachJS MDG92323156

J S Bach: Cantatas & Motets (MDG)

One of the best Bach recordings I have heard lately [JV]

O Dolcezze Amarissime Fineline FL72419

O Dolcezze Amarissime: Madrigali, Ricercari and Canzoni Strumentali (Fineline)

These performances offer a different perspective on the genre of the madrigal [JV]

corelli flute da vinci

Corelli ajusté à la flûte traversière (Da Vinci Classics)

Every lover of Baroque music will be delighted to listen to Corelli à la française [JV]

J. S. Bach: Magnificat & Handel: Te Deum (Harmonia Mundi)

An odd combination of works, but both are performed well [JV]

Weihnacht in Österreich (Gramola)

(Déjà Review) A model of creative programming and stylish performance [JV]

Kuhnau: Uns ist ein Kind geboren (Christophorus)

Nice company for the upcoming Christmas season [JV]

Istanpitta – Festive music for the Visconti court (Naïve)

(Déjà Review) Some of the most complex forms of medieval music – fascinating repertoire, inspired performance [JV]

Bonizzi: Complete works for viola bastarda (Dynamic)

Paolo Biordi does full justice to the vocal origin of these pieces [JV]

Benevoli: Missa Benevola (Coro)

An impressive display of the skills of Benevoli and his colleague Carissimi [JV]

Imperialis cpo5555202

Musica Instrumentalis Imperialis – Festive Sonatas from Imperial Vienna (cpo)

Impressive playing of natural trumpets [JV]

Sartorius museum CD13068

Sartorius & Stadlmayr: Sacred Works (Musikmuseum)

Music from Innsbruck around 1600 performed by an excellent group of singers and players [JV]

vivaldi sonata snakewood

Vivaldi: Violin Sonata (Snakewood)

The discovery of this piece is as exciting as the piece itself and the way it is performed [JV]

Viadana Sacri Concentus Passacaille PAS1142

Viadana: Sacri Concentus (Passacaille)

An exciting disc that leaves one wanting more [JV]

Telemann Apex2564603682

Telemann: Recorder sonatas & fantasias (Apex)

A worthy testimony to the art of Frans Brüggen [JV]

Madrigal RES10341

The Madrigal Reimagined (Resonus Classics)

A model of creative programming and performance [JV]

Subissati: Sonate per violino solo e basso continuo (DUX)

Magnificent sonatas, splendid performances [JV]

Fasch: The Four Times of Day (Christophorus)

The first commercial recording of a serenata by Fasch; the performance could not be any better [JV]

Pepusch chandos ACC24397

Pepusch: Chandos Anthems (Accent)

There was more than Handel at Cannons [JV]

Pössinger: Three Duos for Violin and Viola Op 4 (Musicaphon)

Splendid performances of entertaining duos by a neglected composer [JV]