
Gary Higginson

Rise salford PRCD1249

Rise Up and Wonder (Priory)

New sacred music of talented women composers, sung by a fine and sympathetic choir [GH]

zygmunt noskowski symphonies-nos 1 2

Noskowski: Symphonies Nos 1 & 2 (Capriccio)

Symphonies by a little-known Romantic Polish composer, played with understanding and immediacy [GH]

Tveitt Hardanger Tunes Suites 1&4 Naxos 8.555078

Tveitt: Hardanger Tunes, Suites 1 & 4 (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) Engeset coaxes this gorgeous material into shape without effort or artificiality [GH]

Magalhaes masses CDA68403

Magalhães: Masses (Hyperion)

A fine choir in rare late Renaissance Portuguese repertoire, sung with style and skill [GH]

Prokofiev: Piano Sonatas 5, 6 & 9 (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) I was captivated with Glemser’s playing which emphasises the lyrical and romantic side [GH]

Carissimi Ten Motets Naxos 8.555076

Carissimi: Ten Motets (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) Music helped by the beautiful and beatific voice of bass Garrick Comeaux [GH]

I Wanna Be Ready [spirituals] (Navona Records)

A slightly new take on an unusual variety of spirituals, sung by soloists and choir who really understand them [GH]

vinders mass inventa

Vinders: Missa Fors seulement (Inventa)

Discover two masses by a shadowy figure from late-renaissance Belgium and some of his contemporaries [GH]

Takemitsu piano works Woodward ABC 4467392

Takemitsu: Piano Music (ABC Classics)

(Déjà Review) Woodward is a real Takemitsu expert who loves and understands this music [GH]

Abrahamsen Left Alone Winter and Winter 9102872

Abrahamsen: Left, Alone (Winter & Winter)

Three distinct works by Denmark’s leading composer, with original structure and sound [GH]

Leighton: Every Living Creature (SOMM Recordings)

One of the finest 20th century British composers of choral music showcased in first-rate performances [GH]

Takemitsu Kellerman Karlsen

Takemitsu: Spectral Canticle (BIS)

Takemitsu conjures exotic sounds, brilliantly performed and recorded [GH]

Ingegneri Sacred Music Vol 3 Toccata TOCC0677

Ingegneri: Sacred Music, Vol 3 (Toccata Classics)

Another chance to discover fine sacred works by an underappreciated composer [GH]

sancan tribute chandos

Sancan: A Musical Tribute (Chandos)

A unique chance to get to know some most enjoyable music by this little-known composer, teacher and virtuoso [GH]

stamitz clarinet cpo

C Stamitz: Clarinet Concertos Vol. 2 (cpo)

An outstanding advocate plays virtuoso clarinet concertos with verve and character [GH]

Ligeti: Complete Works for a Cappella Choir (SWR Classics)

This contribution to Ligeti’s centenary sheds a new light on the early work of this fascinating composer [GH]

In the Streets of London – A 17th Century Musical Pub Tour (Fuga Libera)

The music of the people, as heard in London in 1651, played with verve and character [GH]

Flury Orchestral Vol3 Toccata TOCC0643

Flury: Symphonies 1 and 4 (Toccata Classics)

A well recorded, but still little-known composer – well worth investigating [GH]

Skalkottas Concertos BIS

Skalkottas: Concertos (BIS)

Fine performances of rare concertos continue BIS’s mammoth Skalkottas series [GH]

Lutosławski: Opera Omnia 01 (CD Accord)

(Déjà Review) These performance are terrific and very committed [GH]

Turina Piano Trios IBS192022

Turina: Piano Trios (IBS Classical)

This music deserves to be better known outside Spain [GH]

Lovesick scotting SIGCD736

Lovesick (Signum Classics)

A beautiful recital of mostly rare 17th Century songs on an immortal subject [GH]

German Symphony 2 Penny Naxos 8555228

German: Symphony 2 (Naxos)

A worthy re-issue of one of the finest pre-Elgarian British symphonies [GH]

Wellesz: Chamber Music (Toccata Classics)

Fine performances of rare chamber music by an unfashionable composer whose music has much to communicate [GH]