
valmalete haas meloclassic

Madeleine de Valmaléte & Monique Haas (piano) The Swiss Piano Recitals (Meloclassic)

It is wonderful to hear these pianists who have been undeservedly forgotten and in new works to their discography [RCh]

French album ORC100317

The French Album (Orchid Classics)

This is a very fine disc; in fact, c’est magnifique! [JQ]

Richard Galliano (accordion): Around Gershwin (Pentatone)

This imaginative and varied programme proves emphatically that Richard Galliano still sits safely on his throne as the King of the Accordion [GF]

Paris La Belle Epoque Bridge 9555

Paris, La Belle Époque (Bridge Records)

Playing of the highest quality in an intriguing and very rewarding programme [GPu]

Schoenberg Faure Pelleas et Melisande Alpha 1058

Schoenberg & Fauré: Pelléas et Mélisande (Alpha Classics)

Two wonderfully contrasting explorations of Maeterlinck’s play [JF]

Faure cello 97825

Fauré: Authentique – Complete Works for Cello & Piano (Audite)

A very cool, unemotional (and unsuccessful) take on Fauré’s cello works [DJB]

Véronique Gens (soprano): Paysage (Alpha Classics)

Delightful lost treasures from French musical history [JF]

faure ravel merckel forgotten

Henry Merckel (violin) French Chamber Works (Forgotten Records)

Classic chamber recordings from the inimitable violinist Henry Merckel and his ensembles [JW]

faure songs hyperion

Fauré: Complete Songs Vol. 2 (Hyperion)

(Déjà Review) This disc has given me enormous pleasure and will continue to do so [JQ]

Legende von Lerber Harp Claves CD503048

Légende – Solo harp works (Claves)

A consistently engaging anthology of ‘romantic’ music for solo harp, all perceptively played [GPu]

Mischa Elman (violin): The Complete RCA Victor Recordings (Biddulph)

An Elman discographic lacuna is put right; fine transfers too [JW]

magnard faure quartets aeon

Magnard & Fauré: String Quartets (Aeon)

(Déjà Review) Substantial works in immaculate performances [HC]

Sofya Melikyan (piano): Présence lointaine (Rubicon)

An attractive homage to influential Catalan pianist Ricardo Viñes [MC]

Moon cello CHAN20274

Path to the Moon Works for cello & piano (Chandos)

Three sonatas and a raft of transcribed songs offer fruitful material for the Chandos pairing [JW]

Bonis, Fauré, Hahn: Violin Sonatas (Chandos)

Three contrasting French sonatas offer rewarding virtues [JW]

Faure penelope 2292454052

Fauré: Pénélope (Erato)

A subtle, carefully crafted opera, beautifully sung even if in the end it lacks melodic memorability [RMo]

LOpera de Paris Malibran CDRG215

The Paris Opera 1900-1960 (Malibran Music)

Ten very well-filled discs documenting six glorious decades at the Paris Opera [RMo]

faure piano hyperion

Fauré: Piano Works (Hyperion)

Magical performances, illuminated and musically informed, recorded in superior sound [SG]

Kathleen Long APR 6041

Kathleen Long (piano) The Decca Solo Recordings 1941-1945 (APR)

Refined inscriptions, lovingly restored [SG]

Impromptus Chopin Faure Margain Naive V7860

Impromptus (Naïve)

Margain is very much at home in this music, and is its ideal exponent [SG]

Voyages bevan SIGCD509

Voyages (Signum Classics)

A fascinating journey through Baudelaire’s and Goethe’s poetic landscapes [GF]

Kathleen Long APR 6041

Kathleen Long (piano) The Decca Solo Recordings 1941-1945 (APR)

Insightful, stylish Kathleen Long – a pianist too often taken for granted [JW]

faure cello alpha

Fauré: Works for Cello & Piano (Alpha Classics)

(Déjà Review) If the rest of this series is of this standard, it will be a compulsory acquisition for all lovers of this composer [GA]

valse saxon hanssler

La Valse (Hänssler Classic)

These wind orchestra arrangements could hardly be better played [MC]