
pierrot portraits onyx

Pierrot Portraits (Onyx)

Ensemble 360 and Claire Booth bring Pierrot to life on this superb disc [PTh]

valmalete haas meloclassic

Madeleine de Valmaléte & Monique Haas (piano) The Swiss Piano Recitals (Meloclassic)

It is wonderful to hear these pianists who have been undeservedly forgotten and in new works to their discography [RCh]

Richard Galliano (accordion): Around Gershwin (Pentatone)

This imaginative and varied programme proves emphatically that Richard Galliano still sits safely on his throne as the King of the Accordion [GF]

Five Elements Acqua v1 Da Vinci C00821

Five Elements Vol 1: Acqua – piano recital (Da Vinci Classics)

An outstanding recital showcasing a formidable technique; let down by poor sound [DMD]

askenase live meloclassic

Stefan Askenase (piano) Live Concert Performances (Meloclassic)

Meloclassic are doing us a real service adding to the discography of this wonderfully sensitive pianist [RCh]

hommage svetlanov naive

Hommage à Evgueni Svetlanov (Naïve)

(Déjà Review) Eloquent testimony to Svetlanov’s stature as a conductor [CC]

Paris La Belle Epoque Bridge 9555

Paris, La Belle Époque (Bridge Records)

Playing of the highest quality in an intriguing and very rewarding programme [GPu]

Loeffler: Octet; Debussy: Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune (Delos)

Obligatory for anyone interested in American music at the turn of the twentieth century [WK]

Debussy martyre SWR19149CD

Debussy: Le Martyre de Saint Sébastien (SWR Classic)

A problematic version of a problematic work, but Debussyians should investigate [SB]

Olga Samaroff & Frank La Forge (piano): The Complete Recordings (APR)

Highly enjoyable playing by two pioneers of American pianism [RCh]

Schulhoff, Debussy, Janáček, Antheil: Violin Sonatas (Genuin)

A wonderfully intelligent, interesting programme, superbly performed [NB]

Moriz Rosenthal (piano) Complete Solo Recordings (APR)

The complete recorded legacy of a great Golden Age pianist, ideally transferred to CD [RWe]

Belle époque – clarinet & orchestra recital (Pentatone)

Exceptionally fine playing and recording compromised by unbalanced programme and poor documentation [NB]

Night GEN24828

Until Night Falls (Genuin)

Interesting programming and some evocative pianism [RCh]

mozart debussy songs ecm

Debussy & Mozart: Songs (ECM)

(Déjà Review) Banse’s subtle, dark-toned soprano is ideal for this material [TH]

Strauss melbourne MSO0001

Debussy & Strauss (Melbourne Symphony Orchestra)

An auspicious launch for the Melbourne Symphony’s own label [JQ]

graham poemes warner

Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano) Poèmes de L’Amour (Warner Classics)

(Déjà Review) Lovers of fine singing can purchase without hesitation now and enjoy an outstanding recording and performance [RJF]

delman archives oak grove

Jacqueline Delman (soprano) More from my archives (Oak Grove)

A valuable documentation of Delman’s versatility, musically, repertoire-wise and linguistically [GF]

world 80 minutes orchid

Around the World in 80 Minutes (Orchid Classics)

Well-chosen old favourites and new discoveries [JF]

Filigrane Genuin GEN24867

Adriana von Franqué (piano) Filigrane (Genuin)

Floating, atmospheric, finely crafted Parisian music [JF]

Stravinsky: Petrouchka & Debussy: Jeux, Poème Dansé (Decca)

A fine follow-up to Klaus Mäkelä’s previous Stravinsky disc [JQ]

Barchet: Chamber Works (Hänssler Classic)

(Déjà Review) Full marks to Hänssler for giving enduring life to this most attractive and expert craftsman [JW]

Mischa Elman (violin): The Complete RCA Victor Recordings (Biddulph)

An Elman discographic lacuna is put right; fine transfers too [JW]

Ruby Hughes (soprano): End of My Days (BIS)

An outstanding recital; elegantly conceived, ideally recorded and beautifully performed [RHa]