Da Vinci Classics

Rossini dreams C00727

Rossinian Dreams (Da Vinci Classics)

A recital demonstrating Liszt’s love of Rossini but with an odd coupling [RCh]

Winkler chamber C00716

Winkler: Chamber Music (Da Vinci Classics)

Romantic intensity piled high and wide [RB]

liszt dante da vinci

Liszt: Transcriptions for Two Pianos (Da Vinci Classics)

I will be returning to this CD often [JWe]

Gade piano C00685

Gade: Piano Works (Da Vinci Classics)

Attractive music but underwhelming performances [RCh]

Ripieno sonatas C00280

More than a dull ripieno! (Da Vinci Classics)

A most enjoyable disc, to which one may return regularly [JV]

French music for harp etc da vinci DVC00472

Vers la source dans le bois (Da Vinci Classics)

If you like the French chamber music of this period, you will be in safe hands with this Italian trio [GPu]

Mignone and Delvizio: Guitar Works (Da Vinci Classics)

A striking set of guitar studies heard in an excellent performance [GPu]

Leoncavallo piano C00629

Leoncavallo: Piano Works (Da Vinci Classics)

Melodious salon pieces with some attractive and impish surprises [RCh]