
Das ist meine Freude – Love Songs and Psalms (cpo)

A compelling survey of sacred concertos from the 17th century [JV]

Martines Psalms Symphony CPO 777 985-2

Martines: Psalms and Symphony (cpo)

The outstanding work here is the Dixit Dominus, making it clear what a fine composer Martines was [GPu]

beethoven prometheus cpo

Beethoven: The Creatures of Prometheus (cpo)

Realizes the balletic and symphonic styles, but not everything gels [SV]

Stamitz Violin Concertos CPO 5554792

Stamitz: Violin Concertos (cpo)

Lively performances of little-known compositions from the end of the Baroque period [CRo]

Miaskovsky: Cello Concerto, Cello Sonatas (cpo)

A welcome release centred on the cello works of Nikolai Miaskowsky and his teachers [GT]

Lincke: Overtures Vol. 2 (cpo)

A second volume of Lincke’s music offers no surprises but plenty of enjoyment [RMay]

Miaskovsky, Liadov & Rimsky-Korsakov: Cello Works (cpo)

Lyricism and energy in a fine Miaskovsky release [JW]

Reinecke 2 Piano Works CPO 555454-2

Reinecke: Works for 2 Pianos (CPO)

Joyous music making unveiling a rich seam of undiscovered two-piano repertoire [RCh]

Smethergell: Overtures (cpo)

A colourful and vibrant collection of overtures by a little-known composer [JW]

JC Bach: Complete Opera Overtures (cpo)

(Déjà Review) Anthony Halstead’s marvellous players have caused me to spend several hours exploring this and related repertoire [DBi]

Mozart: Die verstellte Gärtnerin (CPO)

The new reference recording of Mozart’s Die verstellte Gärtnerin [DF]

Atterberg Symph 1 and 4 Rasilainen cpo9996392

Atterberg: Symphonies 1 & 4 (cpo)

A very auspicious start to cpo’s Atterberg Symphonies series [IL]

Weigl Gaudenz cpo 555360-2

Weigl: Piano Concerto (cpo)

Wonderful late romanticism conveying vast landscapes of imagination [RCh]

Bacewicz symphonies cpo 555556-2

Bacewicz: Symphonies (cpo)

The first volume of the complete orchestral works by one of Poland’s finest twentieth-century symphonists [GH]

pettersson symphonies cpo

Pettersson: Symphonies 10 & 11 (cpo)

(Déjà Review) Deeply impressing pieces [RB]

Telemann cantatas Koch cpo 5554372

Telemann: Cantatas, Vol 2 (cpo)

Exquisite period-instrument performances of rarely-heard Telemann cantatas [DF]

korngold kathrin cpo

Korngold: Die Kathrin (cpo)

(Déjà Review) Music of your most romantic dreams and packing a grand emotional punch [RB]

lincke overtures 5554282

Lincke: Overtures Vol. 1 (cpo)

There may be more to Lincke than the Gavotte Pavlova and Berliner Luft [RMay]

Bacewicz symphonies cpo 555556-2

Bacewicz: Symphonies (cpo)

Rigour and rhythmic drive somewhat leavened by folkloric elements [JW]

Glass symphony 7778982

L Glass: Symphony 4 (CPO)

A commanding recording of Louis Glass’s (occasionally) problematic Fourth Symphony [JW]

mattheson boris goudenow CPO 555502-2

Mattheson: Boris Goudenow (CPO)

A long hidden operatic version of Boris Godunov gets its first recording with a respectable cast of young performers [MP]

Rauchenecker Sym1 5554162

Rauchenecker: Symphony No 1 (CPO)

Forgotten works by a forgotten composer may not be masterpieces but certainly worth a listen [NB]

Mayer Symphonies 3 and 7 CPO 5555511-2

Mayer: Symphonies Nos 3 and 7 (CPO)

Two little-known symphonies prove to be interesting but not essential listening [NB]

Wolf Christmas 5555242

Wolf: Christmas Cantatas (CPO)

Another major step towards a reassessment of Wolf’s oeuvre [JV]