SOMM Ariadne

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5001Grieg songsreview
5002Bernstein Broadway to Hollywoodreview review review
5004Bach cantatas Ferrierreview
5005Elgar from America v1review review review
5007Ferrier in NYreview
5008Elgar from America v2review review review
5009Great classic film msuic v2review review
5010Ferrier treasuresreview review
5011Szell Cleveland O Forgotten recsreview review
5012Favourite orchestral wks Sutherlandreview
5013Sibelius sy1review review
5014Hail Caledonia review review review
5015Elgar from America v3review review
5016VW live v1review review
5018VW live v2review review
5019VW live v3review review
5020VW live v4review review
5022Mahler Pioneersreview
5023Schubert Winterreise John Carol Casereview
5024Sir Adrian Boult Berg Stravinsky Vaughan Williamsreview
5025Bruckner From the Archives v1 (1944-74)review
5026Schmidt Symph 4 & Das Buch mit sieben Siegelnreview review review
5027Bruckner From the Archives, v2 (1955-62) Symph 2review
5028Pierre Monteux (conductor) Livereview
5029Bruckner from the Archives v3 Symphs 3 & 4review
5030Holst 150review review
5031Bruckner From the Archives, v4 (1956, 1962) Symph 5review
5032Smetana orchestral music George Szellreview review
5033Bruckner from the Archives v5 Symphs 6 & 7review
5034Bruckner from the Archives v6review
5035Frankly Speaking with Leopold Stokowskireview
5037Boult’s Elgarreview