rimsky-Korsakov christmas NBD0154V

Rimsky-Korsakov: Christmas Eve (Naxos)

A superlative cast in a crisply modern, but relatively faithful production of a rarely performed opera [MP]

Leoncavallo piano C00629

Leoncavallo: Piano Works (Da Vinci Classics)

Melodious salon pieces with some attractive and impish surprises [RCh]

Gregson world DOYCD414

Gregson: Music Vol. 7 (Doyen)

Another volume of Edward Gregson’s brass band music, rewarding and engaging [JF]

Cornetto F10266

Virtuoso Music of the 16th & 17th Century for Cornetto (Arta)

Perfect demonstration of the excitement that the cornett can arouse [JV]

Maria Kliegel (cello) Anniversary Edition (Naxos)

A fine cellist – expression, technical mastery, character all there – but a shame that this is a collection of excerpts [RB]

Mozart: Symphonies (Genuin)

The outer movements of Symphony 41 are splendid; elsewhere Klumpp’s Mozart can be a shade relentless [MG]

Schubert: Schwanengesang (Pentatone)

The final instalment of Bostridge’s Schubert trilogy is a partnership of equals, voice and piano coming together to create something very special [ST]

Boult decca legacy

Sir Adrian Boult: The Decca Legacy Vol. 2 (Eloquence)

Boult’s Deccas handsomely boxed; two Messiahs, Acis and miscellaneous recitals [JW]

Toscha Seidel (violin): Rare and Newly Re-mastered! (Parnassus)

The molten tonalist Toscha Seidel triumphs in a selection of his 78s [JW]

Song of Beasts (Ramée)

Impressive performances of fascinating medieval music about real and mythological creatures [JV]

Donizetti: L’elisir d’amore (Dynamic)

Another impressive release by the Donizetti Opera festival, uncut and on original instruments [RWe]

Abel: Cello Concertos (Hänssler Classic)

Four graceful concertante works of the mid to late 18th century, which may not excite but do entertain [DJB]

Aaron Rosand (violin) The First Recordings (Biddulph)

Rosand’s first Vox recordings are restored for a new generation [JW]

Balakirev: Orchestral Works (MDG)

Attractive but undemanding scores performed with care and well recorded [NB]

Rastrelli Effect (Solo Musica)

Pleasant, with many different styles, but little to arouse much excitement [DJB]

Tomasi: Complete Violin Works (Naxos)

I have nothing but praise for this splendid disc [SG]

Adams: Sila (Cantaloupe)

Almost impossible to evaluate, but this has opened my eyes, ears and mind to something quite new [WH]

The Splendour of Florence (Linn)

In this annual release, Gothic Voices will not disappoint, even if other ensembles often cover the same musical territory [GH]

Jascha Heifetz: The Heifetz Collection Vol 35 (RCA-BMG)

Vivid and admirable shorter pieces but a Mendelssohn that has a heart of jagged tin [RB]

Beethoven & Mozart: Piano Transcriptions (BIS)

Sensational pianism, inspiration, and exuberant pianism in every track [MM]

Bruckner spectrum 0302806BC

Bruckner Spectrum (Berlin)

A compelling and superbly performed programme [WH]

Dieren piano PC10241

van Dieren: Piano (Piano Classics)

Challenging, but satisfying [SG]

Verdi rarities CDS7941

Verdi: French Rarities (Dynamic)

One new Verdi discovery combined with some previously released material, all neatly performed [MP]

Rauchenecker Sym1 5554162

Rauchenecker: Symphony No 1 (CPO)

Forgotten works by a forgotten composer may not be masterpieces but certainly worth a listen [NB]