Violin Concertos by Black Composers Barton Pine Cedille CDR90000214

Violin Concertos by Black Composers (Cedille)

The programme has lost none of its ground-breaking importance [SA]

Kahn Chamber Hohenstaufen Hänssler HC22075

Kahn: Chamber Music (Hänssler Classic)

This protégé of Brahms had a definite gift for melody [DJB]

Coleridge Requiem Gough Convivium CR081

Coleridge: Requiem (Convivium Records)

A very good recording of Matthew Coleridge’s beautiful Requiem [JQ]

Holst Planets Harding BR Klassik 900208 

Holst: The Planets (BR Klassik)

Harding’s relaxed run around Holst’s solar system [LD]

Auerbach 24 Preludes Naxos 8.574464

Auerbach: 24 Preludes (Naxos)

A Danish Duo do justice to Auerbach’s Preludes for violin and piano [LW]

Schumann Lieder Schreier Berlin 0302928BC

Schumann: Lieder (Berlin Classics)

These fifty-year-old recordings are classics and admirers of Schumann and Peter Schreier should own them, but the documentation is scanty [GF]

Ries Chamber Nash Hyperion CDA68380

Ries: Piano Trio & Sextets (Hyperion)

The fine recording and engineering on this disc are applied to rather drab and workmanlike performances [MZ]

Beethoven Symp 1 6 Mravinsky Elatus 0927498332

Beethoven: Symphonies 1 and 6 (Elatus)

(Déjà Review) Mravinsky’s Beethoven is revealed to be of considerable importance, and completely idiomatic [CH]

Metamorphosis Contemporary Harpsichord Prima Facie PFCD191

Contemporary Music for Harpsichord (Prima Facie)

A persuasive survey of music written for the twentieth-century harpsichord revival [MSt]

sagvik quartets nosag

Sagvik: String Quartets (Nosag Records)

Mesmerising modernisms mixed with tenderness along the way [RB]

stock chicago pristine

Frederick Stock (conductor) Chicago Symphony Vol. 2 (Pristine Audio)

Frederick Stock and his Chicago forces excel in major repertory [JW]

beethoven sonatas cambria takacs

Beethoven: Complete Piano Sonatas (Cambria)

Top-drawer interpretations in every respect [SG]

messiaen canyons hyperion

Messiaen: Des canyons aux étoiles (Hyperion)

A superb performance of Messiaen’s visionary score [JQ]

bruckner symphony dausgaard bis

Bruckner: Symphony 4 (BIS)

Another weak instalment in this ongoing Bruckner cycle series [RMo]

mozart bacchetti classicvoice piano

Mozart: Piano Works (ClassicVoice)

Nice performances, but more one for the Bacchetti completists [DC]

shostakovich auerbach quartets capriccio

Shostakovich/Auerbach: String Quartets (Capriccio)

(Déjà Review) The programming shows real individuality; the recording is top-drawer and the playing first-class [CC]

left hand legacy cobra

Left Hand Legacy Vol. 1 (Cobra Records)

Fervent and passionate music making, a joy from start to finish [RCh]

Rachmaninov: Symphony No. 2 (Chandos)

John Wilson has led me to enjoy this symphony as much as I have for decades [DMD]

Das ist meine Freude – Love Songs and Psalms (cpo)

A compelling survey of sacred concertos from the 17th century [JV]

Ligeti: Complete Works for a Cappella Choir (SWR Classics)

This contribution to Ligeti’s centenary sheds a new light on the early work of this fascinating composer [GH]

Meditatio II – Music for mixed choir (BIS)

Calm and inspiring pieces, sung with exceptional control and beauty by this world-class chamber choir [GPJ]

Farrenc: Symphonies (Erato)

The primary recommendation for these three excellent symphonies [JQ]

Francesco Scarlatti: Dixit Dominus, Mass (Signum Classics)

Readers interested in by-ways of the baroque repertoire should find much to admire in the wilful Francesco Scarlatti’s music [GF]

Dyson: Symphony, Concerto da chiesa (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) Lloyd-Jones makes something very special of the concerto, and the other pieces are really very well done [RB]