stamitz clarinet cpo

C Stamitz: Clarinet Concertos Vol. 2 (cpo)

An outstanding advocate plays virtuoso clarinet concertos with verve and character [GH]

holst planets rca

Holst: The Planets (RCA)

A typically virtuosic recording from a great American partnership [RMo]

moorland symphonies butterworth lyrita

Moorland Symphonies (Lyrita)

Does extremely well in introducing the reader to the man and his music [RB]

ave maria calleja decca

Ave Maria (Decca)

A feast of gorgeous singing and despite a few odd inclusions, his legions of fans will love it [MP]

trandafilovski polychromy metier

Trandafilovski: Polychromy (Métier)

Tartly balanced on the edge of the void [RB]

stanford requiem hyperion

Stanford: Requiem (Hyperion)

A genuine triumph – a completely convincing performance of a typically Victorian Choral Festival work [NB]

huber orchestral schweizer fonogramm

Huber: Orchestral Works (Schweizer Fonogramm)

Welcome new recordings make a fine case for Huber’s lighter output [RMay]

golden age light music guild

The Golden Age of Light Music – An Introduction (Guild Music)

(Déjà Review) The best possible introduction to the genre of Light Music [JF]

Beethoven: Piano Concertos (Reference Recordings)

Characterful performances captured in phenomenal sound [SG]

Philips & Dering: Motets (Linn)

Welcome contribution to the acquaintance of the sacred oeuvre of Philips and Dering [JV]

Mercadante: Messa solenne (Dynamic)

An intriguing revival of music which makes grand gestures but mostly remains oddly bland and uninvolving [RMo]

Kvandal: String Quartets (LAWO Classics)

Norwegian variety from a less regarded composer [RB]

Boughton: Of Delights and Passions (EM Records)

Music with melodic interest, well-devised formal structures and satisfying harmonies [JF]

Folk Songs of the British Isles (SOMM Recordings)

An agreeable mix of gems from the treasure chest of British folk songs, selling for charitable purposes [GF]

Creston: Piano Music (Toccata Classics)

Savage … touchingly melodic, melting and romantically inclined [RB]

Shostakovich: Hamlet (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) That very rare bird indeed – an original film score that can stand on its own [PSe]

Vásquez: The Complete Impresiones For Piano (Toccata Classics)

Sumptuous Romantic melancholia from Mexico, best in small doses [NC]

Schubert: Symphonies – Unfinished & The Great (Pentatone)

Virtuoso playing and an excellent recording but Janowski’s tempi are not invariably well judged [RMo]

Nordheim: The Tempest (Lawo Classics)

Speaks directly and pleasurably to the composer’s creative impulse [RB]

Mazzoli: Dark with Excessive Bright (BIS)

Music that fascinates but has no place for ingratiation or meeting the general listener half-way [RB]

Leighton: Every Living Creature (SOMM Recordings)

Valuable premiere recordings of beautiful music in impressive performances [NB]

Lauro: Guitar Music (Brilliant Classics)

Superior original guitar music; very credible performances [ZT]

Mendelssohn-Hensel: Lieder (First Hand Records)

With seventeen never-before-recorded songs, this issue is a valuable addition to the growing discography of Fanny Hensel [GF]

Mompou: Complete Piano Works (Brilliant Classics)

(Déjà Review) A chance to admire Mompou the composer-pianist in his maturity and playing that gets to the heart of the matter [JW]