salonen wings dg

Salonen: Wing On Wing (Deutsche Grammophon)

Three impressive major works in magnificent performances [CT]

schuman sys naxos

Schuman: Symphonies 4 & 9 (Naxos)

Fine music by a composer who really had something to say [JQ]

All in Twilight David Harenstam DAPHNE1081

All in Twilight (Daphne)

Borderless explorations of new or unknown repertoire, new ways of expression, illuminating eye-openers [GF]

Bartok Concerto for Orchestra Canellakis Pentatone PTC5187027

Bartók: Concerto for Orchestra (Pentatone)

An outstanding version of the rare Four Orchestral Pieces and a very good one of the Concerto for Orchestra [SB]

Bruckner Symphony 4 Roth Myrios MYR032

Bruckner: Symphony 4 (Myrios Classics)

Roth makes a fine case for the original version of Bruckner’s Fourth [JQ]

Byrd Pavans Galliards Pienaar Avie AV2574

Byrd: Pavans & Galliards, Variations & Grounds (Avie)

A masterclass of historically informed performance on the piano with zip, colour and eloquence [MG]

Ingegneri Sacred Music Vol 3 Toccata TOCC0677

Ingegneri: Sacred Music, Vol 3 (Toccata Classics)

Another chance to discover fine sacred works by an underappreciated composer [GH]

Gesualdo Gent Herreweghe Phi LPH036

Gesualdo: Madrigals (PHI)

Expressive interpretations, but the ensemble is not entirely satisfying [JV]

Rossini Overtures Reiner RCA GD60837

Rossini: Overtures (RCA)

(Déjà Review) Effervescent music and the unmatched panache of Reiner’s conducting are a winning formula! [PJL]

Saint-Saens Chamber Nash Hyperion CDA67431-2

Saint-Saëns: Chamber Music (Hyperion)

(Déjà Review) A wonderfully presented release that is clearly one of my records of the year [MC]

romantic clarinet quintets musical concepts

Romantic Clarinet Quintets (Musical Concepts)

A warmly textured and rubato-conscious performance from an experienced clarinettist and chamber colleagues [JW]

messiaen canyons hyperion

Messiaen: Des canyons aux étoiles (Hyperion)

A fine new recording of Messiaen’s celebration of the natural world [SB]

smith brindle guitar naxos

Smith Brindle: Works for Solo Guitar Vol. 1 (Naxos)

Offers more than a servant’s entrance to this disregarded composer’s heritage [RB]

mandolin gimo collection tactus

Mandolin works from the Gimo Collection (Tactus)

I have thoroughly enjoyed this recording, especially the sonatas by Gervasio [JV]

ravel l'heure espagnole harmonia mundi

Ravel: L’heure espagnole (Harmonia Mundi)

No one interested in these two works will feel short-changed by its acquisition [GF]

nielsen symphony chandos

Nielsen: Violin Concerto & Symphony 4 (Chandos)

Invigorating accounts [LW]

anthems 21st century signum

Anthems for the 21st Century (Signum Classics)

(Déjà Review) A most stimulating collection and it is hard to imagine that it could be performed better [JQ]

leighton piano delphian

Leighton: Complete Solo Piano Works (Delphian)

(Déjà Review) Anyone interested in the composer will need to have this set [PCW]

Jacquet de La Guerre: Violin sonatas (Centaur)

Good performances but not top of the bill [JV]

Strauss: Four Last Songs (Sony Classical)

Not an account of the Four Last Songs that makes it into the pantheon [JQ]

Elfman & Hailstork: Concertos (Naxos)

Two attractive recent American concertos in excellent performances [RB]

Lhoyer: Guitar duos (Brilliant Classics)

Attractive rather than profound, primarily of interest to lovers of the classical guitar [GPu]

Sibelius: Symphonies (Musical Concepts)

An attractive bargain set; crisp playing and intelligent conducting embrace the whole gamut of moods in these wonderful symphonies [RMo]

Mills B: Portraits (Claudio)

Water-coloured emotions; attractively gentle, outwardly modest music [RB]