
Tartini sonatas C00884

Tartini: Lieto ti prendo e poi (Da Vinci Classics)

These performances bring us very close to the heart of Tartini’s musical thinking and feeling [JV]

Gatti Praeconium solitudinis NovAntiqua

Enrico Gatti (violin) Praeconium solitudinis (NovAntiqua)

The performances are superb, but the concept may not appeal to everyone [JV]

tartini diavolo violin signum

Tartini: Violin Sonatas (Signum Classics)

Chandler fully explores the lyrical qualities of Tartini’s sonatas [JV]

Venezia violin Alpha935

Duello d’archi a Venezia (Alpha Classics)

Every lover of the baroque violin will be delighted to listen to these performances {JV]