
Segovia vol16 DHR8150

Andrés Segovia and his Contemporaries Vol 16 (Doremi)

Segovia in Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s Concerto live from Lucerne and a phalanx of historical guitar recordings [JW]

Forsling Guitar Mollerstrom Sterling ed RM

Erik Möllerström (guitar) Guitar (Sterling)

A survey of recordings by Erik Möllerström, which is mainly of historical interest [ZT]

Forsling Guitar Mollerstrom Sterling ed RM

Erik Möllerström (guitar): Guitar (Sterling)

An issue not only for guitar afficionados, but for anyone who appreciates beautiful music [GF]

latin within kha

Andrea Belmonte (guitar) Latin Within (KHA Records)

The programme and musicality make this an appealing disc, despite some technical shortcomings [ZT]

19th Century Guitar Favourites (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) In decades to come this will remain a testament to superb guitar playing, refined interpretations and good taste [ZT]

Ivan Petricevic (guitar): Guitar Intersections (Hänssler Classic)

Refined playing with a big sound [ZT]

martinez recital naxos

David Martinez (guitar) Recital (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) A release that shows the guitar at its traditional best [ZT]