Strauss Johann I

newyear2025 Sony19802875582

Neujahrskonzert 2025 (Sony)

A Happy New Year from Vienna with Muti [PH]

Wien bleibt Wien: Waltzes & Polkas (MDG)

An utterly delightful programme, played with charm and elegance [GF]

Champagne Lumbye and his Idols Dacapo 8.224750

Champagne! The Sound of Lumbye and His Idols (Dacapo)

An entertaining, historically interesting tribute to Lumbye and his contemporaries, played with precision and admirable elan [GF]

klemperer warner remastered

Otto Klemperer (conductor): The Remastered Edition (Warner Classics)

Klemperer consolidated; his full Warner legacy in best-yet transfers [JW]