Sony Classical

Verdi: Un ballo in maschera (Sony Classical)

(Déjà Review) Verdi singing does not come much better than this [RJF]

Bruckner: Symphony No. 9 (Sony Classical)

Superb engineering and wonderful playing hobbled by Thielemann’s reluctance to sacrifice beauty of sound to emotional release [RMo]

Mahler Songs von Stade Sony78517

Mahler: Songs (Sony Classical)

Lovers of great Lieder singing should have this in their collection [RMo]

Dvorak dances 88697857482

Dvořák: Slavonic Dances (Sony Classical)

A reissue of an imperishable “classic of the gramophone” – the greatest music of its genre in the best of 60s stereo sound [RMo]

Schreker: Irrelohe (Sony Classical)

Exotically scored but melodically diffuse, this melodrama is given the best possible advocacy [RMo]

bartok bronfman sony

Bartók: Piano Concertos (Sony)

(Déjà Review) Marvellously subtle and polished … delightfully witty [TH]

bernstein prelude sony

Bernstein: Orchestral Works (Sony Classical)

Essential, authentic listening for admirers of Leonard Bernstein [JQ]

Dvorak sym6 SBK60295

Dvořák: Symphony 6 (Sony)

An affectionately played trio of works by Dvořák at his most typically exuberant [RMo]

mahler bernstein sony

Mahler: Symphonies (Sony)

(Déjà Review) In spite of reservations, hearing this music played by this orchestra under this conductor at this time is thrilling [TD]

dvorak poetic andsnes 19439912092

Dvořák: Poetic Tone Pictures (Sony)

A generous-minded performance somewhat let down by idiosyncratic recording quality [JW]

Dvorak album 19658710672

The Dvořák Album (Sony)

A striking release of Dvořák’s chamber music from Jan Vogler and friends [MC]