Somm Recordings

Elgar Forgotten SOMM

Elgar: Boult’s forgotten recordings (SOMM)

Boult’s stature as the leading Elgarian reaffirmed in spoken word and musical deed [NB]

Habanera – Music For Eight Cellos and Voice (SOMM Recordings)

New meat for cello fans [DC]

Falla: Orchestral music (SOMM Recordings)

A most enjoyable disc [JQ]

Elgar: Boult’s Elgar – The forgotten recordings (SOMM Ariadne)

A Boult miscellany spearheaded by the first CD appearance of the Second Symphony with the Scottish National Orchestra [JW]

Saint-Saens Two Pianos SOMM

Saint-Saëns: Music for Two Pianos (Somm Recordings)

A well-filled disc of two piano delights [PRJ]

Bruckner: From the Archives, Vol 6 (SOMM Ariadne)

The conclusion of a most rewarding series of archive Bruckner recordings [JQ]

Frankly Speaking with Leopold Stokowski (Somm Recordings)

A reissued BBC broadcast, two rehearsal segments in improved sound and a never-before-released BBC interview [JW]

Bruckner: Symphony No 5 & 6 (SOMM Ariadne)

Collectors who have been following this important Bruckner series can invest with confidence in this penultimate installment [JQ]

Smetana: Orchestral works (SOMM Recordings)

A valuable archive bicentenary tribute to Bedřich Smetana [JQ]

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Howells & Wood: String Quartets (SOMM Recordings)

Splendid performances of an early version of a Howells quartet and a jaunty, attractive work by Charles Wood [JW]

Bruckner: From the Archives Vol 4 (SOMM Ariadne)

A very welcome further installment in this significant historical Bruckner series [JQ]

Howells qt3 SOMMCD0692

Howells & Wood: String Quartets (SOMM Recordings)

Contrasting works by pupil and teacher in an intelligent, interesting programme [NB]

Smetana: Orchestral music (SOMM Ariadne)

George Szell’s Smetana in live American performances [JW]

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Bruckner: From the Archives Vol 3 (SOMM Recordings)

A good archive reading of Bruckner’s Third symphony and a more questionable Fourth [JQ]

Handel: Total Eclipse (SOMM Recordings)

The best of Handel in instrumental arrangements [JV]

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HOLST 150 (SOMM Recordings)

A worthy 150th anniversary tribute to Gustav Holst [JQ]

Holst150 somm 50302

HOLST 150 (SOMM Recordings)

Another fine anthology of historic live performances to mark an important anniversary [NB]

Dodgson: Mirage – Piano music (Somm Recordings)

Challenging yet rewarding music, fine performance and recording [WH]

british violin somm

British Treasures (SOMM Recordings)

(Déjà Review) Three gorgeously, lyrical, romantic British violin sonatas played with great affection [IL]

Stanford: Cushendall, Irish Song Cycles (SOMM)

Containing a number of recorded premieres, this is an attractive selection of some of Stanford’s many Irish songs [JQ]

Bruckner From the Archives v2 Somm Ariadne 50272

Bruckner: From the Archives, Volume 2 (Somm Recordings)

This second instalment confirms this will be a series well worth following as the Bruckner bicentenary year progresses [JQ]

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Schmidt: Symphony 4, The Book with Seven Seals (SOMM Recordings)

Not to be missed [WK]

schmidt symphony somm

Schmidt: Symphony 4 & The Book with Seven Seals (Somm Recordings)

Two notable archive recordings in excellent transfers to mark Schmidt’s 150th anniversary [JQ]

schmidt symphony somm

Schmidt: Symphony No 4 & The Book with Seven Seals (Somm Recordings)

Excellent restorations which capture the very essence of these recordings [SG]