
Stephen Greenbank

Bach missing FSFDVD016

Bach’s Missing Pages (Fugue State Films)

A remarkable achievement [SG]

Eudice Shapiro (violin) (Biddulph)

A lovingly restored aural document of an exceptional violinist and remarkable musician [SG]

van Eyken: Complete Organ Sonatas (Aeolus)

An intriguing discovery [SG]

messiaen vingt regards our

Messiaen: Vingt Regards sur l’Enfant Jésus (OUR Recordings)

This glowing account stands shoulder to shoulder with the very best versions in the catalogue [SG]

Beethoven: Piano Concertos (Reference Recordings)

Characterful performances captured in phenomenal sound [SG]

Impromptus Chopin Faure Margain Naive V7860

Impromptus (Naïve)

Margain is very much at home in this music, and is its ideal exponent [SG]

Selva Ciar CC012

Hommage à Blanche Selva (Ciar Classics)

A pleasing disc of rarities – a worthy tribute [SG]

beethoven sonatas cambria takacs

Beethoven: Complete Piano Sonatas (Cambria)

Top-drawer interpretations in every respect [SG]

nyiregyhazi live sonetto

Ervin Nyiregyházi (piano) Live Vol. 3 (Sonetto Classics)

Will appeal both to fans of Ervin Nyiregyházi and aficionados of the art of piano [SG]

Kalnins Organ Music Skani LMIC149

Kalniņš: Organ Music (Skani)

An attractive album which will appeal to any fan of organ music [SG]

Melchers: Symphony, La Kermesse, Élégie (Ondine)

Spirited and persuasive performances [SG]

Alphons Diepenbrock: The Life, Times and Music of a Dutch Romantic Composer (Toccata Press)

A rewarding read [SG]

Petersen: Symphony No. 3 (Profil)

A valuable and welcome addition to the Petersen discography [SG]

gavrilov complete dg eloquence

Andrei Gavrilov (piano) Complete Recordings on Deutsche Grammophon (Eloquence)

A release pianophiles will treasure [SG]

handel violin forgotten

Handel: Violin Sonatas (Forgotten Records)

Music performed with an intimate and homely charm [SG]

Mozart sonatas V8049

Mozart: Complete Piano Sonatas (Naïve)

A rewarding album, worth every penny of its asking price [SG]

Chopin: Piano Sonatas (Deutsche Grammophon)

Performances of authority and distinction [SG]

Jacob Lateiner (piano) The Lost Art Vol. 2 (Parnassus)

A pianist deserving of wider currency [SG]

Claudio Arrau (piano) The Complete Warner Classics Recordings (Warner Classics)

Aristocratic, authoritative and poetic performances [SG]

Titelouze: Hymnes de l’église (Aeolus)

A revelation [SG]

Haydn: 2032 Project, Vol. 13: Horn Signal (Alpha)

Recommended for a most enjoyable experience [SG]

Christian Ferras (violin): à la mémoire d’un ange (Rhine Classics)

A violinist who represented the very best attributes of the Franco-Belgian School [SG]

Gideon Klein: Don’t forget about me (Toccata Press)

The life of a young genius tragically ended by a cruel and evil regime [SG]

Yvonne Lefébure (piano): Inédits 5 (Solstice)

Solstice’s au revoir to a great artist [SG]