
1925 landmarks from the dawn of electrical recording

Landmarks from Dawn of Electrical Recording (Pristine Audio)

A centenary salute to the early months of the revolutionary electrical recording process [jw]

Saint-Saens Two Pianos SOMM

Saint-Saëns: Music for Two Pianos (Somm Recordings)

A well-filled disc of two piano delights [PRJ]

bestiary ivory bridge

Bestiary on Ivory (Bridge)

Very well performed and recorded, this disc should be heard by all who love the repertoire of the piano [GPu]

Aline van Barentzen Meloclassic MC1080

Aline van Barentzen (piano) Radio Archives Edition (Meloclassic)

Pianophiles will warmly embrace this latest addition to the Meloclassic roster [SG]

Franco Belgian Album Et'cetera KTC1791

Music for Violin & Piano: The Franco-Belgian Album (Et’cetera)

An interesting programme compromised by effortful violin playing [NB]

Aline van Barentzen Meloclassic MC1080

Aline van Barentzen (piano) Radio Archives Edition (Meloclassic)

An absolute feast of piano recordings that greatly expands our knowledge of a pianist who has been very undeservedly forgotten [RCh]

Earliest French Piano Recordings (APR)

A splendidly remastered and historically important tranche of piano recordings [JW]

Earliest French Piano Recordings APR7318

The Earliest French Piano Recordings (APR)

A perfect picture of French pianism in the early part of the twentieth century [RCh]

Rosand memoriam RH029

Aaron Rosand (violin) In Memoriam (Rhine Classics)

A worthy release of outstanding playing [SG]

stock chicago pristine

Frederick Stock (conductor) Chicago Symphony Vol. 4 (Pristine Audio)

An absorbing study of an unjustly neglected body of recordings continues [JW]

Awake avi 4866025

Awakenings (Avi-Music)

The most exciting vocal recital disc I’ve heard in a long while [JQ]

grumiaux live meloclassic

Arthur Grumiaux (violin) Live Concert Performances (Meloclassic)

The epitome of violin playing, with interpretations thoughtful and profound [SG]

rosand memoriam rhine

Aaron Rosand (violin) In Memoriam (Rhine Classics)

The vibrant, alluring art of arch-Romanticist, Aaron Rosand [JW]

Elman victor 850502

Mischa Elman (violin)The complete Victor recordings (1926-32) (Biddulph)

Elman’s glittering morceau (and some others) in splendid transfers [JW]

senofsky virtuoso RH030

Berl Senofsky (violin): American Virtuoso (Rhine Classics)

Strong, masculine playing from Berl Senofsky – along with some less than stellar performances [JW]

pekinel french apex

French Works for Two Pianos (Apex)

(Déjà Review) Great value, in terms of quality and quantity [GPJ]

yoncheva courtesan sy11

Sonya Yoncheva (soprano) The Courtesan (SY11 Productions)

A captivating album of arias on a courtesan theme [MC]

Saintsaens organ 71046

Saint-Saëns: Organ Works (Capriccio)

Saint-Saëns enthusiasts should not hesitate to add this attractive disc to their collections [DBi]

senofsky american virtuoso rhine classics

Berl Senofsky (violin) American Virtuoso (Rhine Classics)

Although something of a mixed bag, there’s much to please the Senofsky admirer enshrined in these two discs [SG]

Jorge Bolet (piano) His earliest recordings (APR)

Bolet at his sparkling best back in the catalogue [RCh]

Deja Review Saint Saens Piano Concertos Hough Hyperion CDA67331-2

Saint-Saëns: Piano Concertos Nos 1-5 (Hyperion)

A credit to this brave and enterprising label. Go on, treat yourself – you won’t regret it [TH]

Rose in Bloom – recital (Orchid Classics)

An imaginative programme, stunningly performed [NB]

Véronique Gens (soprano): Paysage (Alpha Classics)

Delightful lost treasures from French musical history [JF]

Benedetti chausson 9870577

Nicola Benedetti (violin) Szymanowski, Saint-Saëns & Chausson (Deutsche Grammophon)

Quite a debut – a truly excellent Szymanowski [CC]