
Bach: Musikalisches Opfer (Ricercar)

A really approachable edition of A Musical Offering [JF]

pohle sonatas ricercar

Pohle: Complete Sonatas & Ballet Music (Ricercar)

Very fine performances of little-known music from mid-17th century Germany [DJB]

Le Berger Innocent – recital (Ricercar)

This fills a gap in the musical repertoire of the French Rococo [MP]

Les Hautbois à la Chambre du Roi (Ricercar)

A fascinating picture of music at the time of Louis XIV [JV]

Luzzaschi Il concerto segreto Ricercar RIC455

Luzzaschi: Il Concerto Segreto (Ricercar)

An impressive revival of the art of the Concerto delle donne [JV]

Ein deutsches Barockrequiem Vox Luminis Ricerca -RIC445

Ein deutsches Barockrequiem (Ricercar)

Vox Luminis strikes again – a special recommendation is inevitable [JV]

Le parfaict danser – Dance Music, 1300-1500 (Ricercar)

A splendid and highly entertaining disc [JV]

van Helmont Leçons de Ténèbres Ricercar RIC454

van Helmont: Leçons de Ténèbres (Ricercar)

Van Helmont’s Leçons fully deserve to be recorded, and Scherzi Musicali has done a great job of performing them [JV]

Jesulein Christmas RIC444

O Jesulein (Ricecar)

A little too much reverence in the music somewhat dampened my enthusiasm for this interesting exercise [DJB]