
Neil Horner

Torke Percussion Concerto Currie Alsop Naxos 8.559167

Torke: Rapture, An American Abroad and Jasper (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) An excellent introduction to the sound world of Michael Torke. Minimalism with a difference [NH]

Deja Hely Hutchinson Carol Symphony Naxos 8.557099

Hely-Hutchinson: A Carol Symphony (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) Happy Christmas from Naxos, a real stocking filler! [NHo]

ascension delphian

Ascension (Delphian)

(Déjà Review) An unusually stimulating selection of (mainly) modern church music [NHo]

Frankel Concertos-Queensland-SO-Alber-CPO-9994222.jpg

Frankel: Violin Concerto, Viola Concerto & Clarinet Chamber Music (cpo)

(Déjà Review) More evidence of an astonishing but neglected talent. A tonal serialist for whom melody was the thing [NHo]

Deja Review Lilburn Symphs 1-3 Naxos 8.555862

Lilburn: Symphonies Nos 1-3 (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) A compulsory purchase for anyone who has not yet encountered these under-exposed masterpieces [NHo]

Sculthorpe cello TP136

Sculthorpe: Music for Cello (Tall Poppies)

If you don’t know Sculthorpe, you should and this disc would provide an ideal introduction [NHo]

Nielsen: Symphony No. 5, Flute Concerto (Hallé)

(Déjà Review) Brilliant performances of brilliant music, in other words a great buy [NHo]

Oboe Concertos from Bohemia (Claves)

(Déjà Review) An excellently planned programme [NHo]

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Bliss: String Quartets (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) Another fine collection to the Maggini’s growing catalogue of English chamber music [NHo]