
Mercadente flute CDS8006

Mercadante: Flute Quartets Vol. 1 (Dynamic)

Nice music, good flutist, so-so strings [SV]

Pene Pati Nessun Dorma Warner 5419789771

Pene Pati (tenor): Nessun Dorma (Warner Classics)

That Pene Pati is a talented tenor far beyond the ordinary is obvious, and I hope he isn’t tempted to take on heavier roles too early [GF]

Mercadante: Orazi e Curiazi (Opera Rara)

The best of a composer forever doomed to dwell in Verdi’s shadow, performed by a first-rate cast and starring the great Nelly Miricioiu [RMo]

Mercadante proscritto ORC62

Mercadante: Il proscritto (Opera Rara)

Neglected for almost 200 years, but undoubtedly worthy of its revival [MC]

Mercadante: Messa solenne (Dynamic)

An intriguing revival of music which makes grand gestures but mostly remains oddly bland and uninvolving [RMo]