
mascagni leoncavallo pristine

Mascagni: Cavalleria rusticana & Leoncavallo: I Pagliacci (Pristine Audio)

A pleasure to hear Björling in these excellent Pristine transfers, even if these two roles are not amongst his greatest [PT]

Cav Pag Bjorling Pristine Audio XR PACO209

Mascagni: Cavalleria rusticana & Leoncavallo: I Pagliacci (Pristine Audio)

Remarkable sonic restoration, almost recreation, and a must for Verismo opera lovers [EJW]

albion ralph vaughan williams serenade to music

Vaughan Williams’ Serenade to Music (Albion Records)

Another transfer of the 1938 Serenade to Music and miscellaneous songs from the 16 singers [JW]

albion ralph vaughan williams serenade to music

Vaughan Williams’s Serenade to Music (Albion Records)

This important historical document must be judged on its own terms [JF]

Verismo preludes Onyx4242

Verismo – Preludi e Intermezzi (Onyx)

A disk for all lovers of melodious music with substance; a happy mix, superbly played [GF]

Leoncavallo’s Zazà

A survey by Ralph Moore

Enrico Caruso His Songs Urania LDV14096

Enrico Caruso – His Songs (Urania)

A timely issue to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Caruso’s birth [GF]

Leoncavallo piano C00629

Leoncavallo: Piano Works (Da Vinci Classics)

Melodious salon pieces with some attractive and impish surprises [RCh]

Leoncavallo Zingari ORC61

Leoncavallo: Zingari (Opera Rara)

An all-round excellent effort to document a forgotten opera that likely won’t be returning to the stage anytime soon [MP]