Kevin Sutton
Fauré: The Complete Songs Volume 1 (Hyperion)
(Déjà Review) No lover of song should be without this one [KS]
CPE Bach: Sonatas and Rondos (Naxos)
(Déjà Review) I am thrilled that this splendidly crafted and colorful music has seen the sunlight [KS]
Copland: Orchestral Works (Naxos)
(Déjà Review) In all respects, recommended without a moment’s hesitation [KS]
Barber: Piano Concerto (Naxos)
(Déjà Review) A series of recordings that has gone from unusual and interesting to groundbreaking and formidable [KS]
Granados: Goyescas Piano Suite, El Pelele (Naxos)
(Déjà Review) To put it simply, this is the finest recording of music for guitars that I have ever heard [KS]
Shostakovich and Schnittke: Piano Quintets (Naxos)
Effective writing, leaving the listener almost breathless as the music disappears [KS]
Rubbra: Violin Concerto, Improvisations (Naxos)
(Déjà Review) Makes me want to seek out more music by this composer and these performers. Should definitely be added to your collection [KS]
Mozart: Haffner Serenade, Bella mia fiamma (Profil)
(Déjà Review) Wand’s devotion plays itself out in these elegant performances [KS]
Farrenc: Chamber music (Naïve)
(Déjà Review) Entices me to seek out more music by this fine and unjustly neglected composer [KS]
Beethoven: Violin Sonatas (Doremi)
(Déjà Review) A once-in-a-lifetime portrait of two very great and even somewhat enigmatic artists at the top of their form [KS]
Brahms: Symphony No 2, Hungarian Dances (Naxos)
(Déjà Review) Alsop’s Brahms should go among the great cycles [KS]
Weill: Symphonies Nos 1 & 2 (Naxos)
(Déjà Review) Add this one to your collection soon [KS]
Bruckner: Symphony 3 (Profil)
(Déjà Review) A winner through and through and worthy of any collection [KS]
Carmina Burana: Medieval Poems and Songs (Naxos)
Everything is played with a life and energy that left me dancing around the room by the disc’s end [KS]
Handel: Coronation Anthems (Naxos)
(Déjà Review) Perfectly elegant and passionate renditions, with excellent pacing and a blended, lovely choral sound [KS]
Elgar: Enigma Variations (Opus Arte)
(Déjà Review) Certainly an item to add to your collection, both for the visuals and the splendid performance [KS]
Pärt: Passio (St John Passion) (Naxos)
(Déjà Review) Spotless intonation, and a clear sense of the rhythmic ebb and flow, world class [KS]
Enescu: Piano Quintet, Quartet No 2 (Naxos)
(Déjà Review) Yet another jewel in the Naxos crown [KS]
Rodrigo: Orchestral Works v4 (Naxos)
(Déjà Review) Amongst the most atmospheric and delicious works that I have experienced in some time [KS]
Dvořák & Brahms: Concertos (Warner Classics)
(Déjà Review) Packed with drama and tunefulness and with virtuosity to burn [KS]
Beethoven: Works for cello and piano (Naxos)
(Déjà Review) An outstanding first instalment of Beethoven’s complete works for cello and piano [KS]
A L’Estampida – Medieval Dance Music (Avie)
I can’t imagine any listener being disappointed in this infectious and delightful program [KS]