Górecki H M

Górecki: Complete Works for String Quartet (Chandos)

Górecki’s impressive quartets are well worth hearing [SB]

Szymon Nehring (piano): Minimalist (IBS Classical)

A richly varied collection of loosely minimalist works [PRJ]

Polish Chamber Music Dafo SQ Dux 2040

Polish Chamber Music (Dux)

Challenging music, brilliantly played, in a celebration of three decades of performing excellence [NB]

Gorecki Symph 3 Woytowicz Alto ALC1494

Górecki: Symphony No 3 (Alto)

Amongst the most moving recordings of Górecki’s Third featuring the soprano who premiered the work [JW]

Górecki: Beatus Vir (Dux)

These impressive works show that Górecki was much more than a one-work composer [SB]