Gabrieli G

O Dolcezze Amarissime Fineline FL72419

O Dolcezze Amarissime: Madrigali, Ricercari and Canzoni Strumentali (Fineline)

These performances offer a different perspective on the genre of the madrigal [JV]

Madrigal RES10341

The Madrigal Reimagined (Resonus Classics)

A model of creative programming and performance [JV]

Sacred Treasures of Venice (Hyperion)

A fine young male choir in known and little-known repertoire [GH]

Aichinger Virginalia 1607 Tactus TC560101

Aichinger: Virginalia 1607 – Motets (Tactus)

Discover complete Marian motets by a respected but largely forgotten late-Renaissance German master [GH]