
elder symphonies halle

Elgar: Symphonies Nos 1 & 2 (Hallé)

Distinguished recordings which surpass the earlier recordings by these performers [JQ]

Elgar: The Dream of Gerontius (Signum Classics)

A considerable achievement [JQ]

albion ralph vaughan williams serenade to music

Vaughan Williams’ Serenade to Music (Albion Records)

Another transfer of the 1938 Serenade to Music and miscellaneous songs from the 16 singers [JW]

parallels divine art

Parallels (Divine Art)

This impressive recital ‘parallels’ old and new favourites [JF]

The-Monarchs Music Collis Smith CRD 3545 barnardbarnard

The Monarch’s Music (CRD)

A timely and enjoyable celebration of music for royal occasions [WH]

albion ralph vaughan williams serenade to music

Vaughan Williams’s Serenade to Music (Albion Records)

This important historical document must be judged on its own terms [JF]

A Year at Newcastle Regent REGCD582

A Year at Newcastle (Regent)

An absorbing exploration of 20th-century church music, and a few recent compositions [JF]

American and English Orchestral Music (Claves)

A fascinating juxtaposition of the familiar and the unfamiliar [PJ]

elgar orchestral lso

Elgar: Orchestral Works (LSO Live)

Best avoided – there are many far superior options [RMo]

The-Monarchs Music Collis Smith CRD 3545 barnardbarnard

The Monarch’s Music (CRD)

Admirers of music for Military Band and its performing traditions will enjoy this diverse programme [NB]

Humour and Classical Music: Elgar’s Smoking Cantata

by David Barker

Elgar: Cello Concerto (Hallé)

(Déjà Review) A masterly reading of a great score … Elder draws stunning playing from the Hallé [GPJ]

orchestral anthems delphian

English Orchestral Anthems (Delphian)

I will be returning to this disc often [WK]

anthems hyperion

Anthems Vol. 1 (Hyperion)

A superb album [JQ]

Elgar sym1 CDHLL7500

Elgar: Symphony 1 (Hallé)

(Déjà Review) I greatly enjoyed this and hope it presages more Elgar from this partnership [JQ]

orchestral anthems delphian

English Orchestral Anthems (Delphian)

A terrific disc [JQ]

eroica emrecords

Eroica (EM Records)

An interesting survey of different aspects of writing for solo violin [NB]

Elgar: Symphony 1 (Hallé)

(Déjà Review) An interpretation that underscores the mutual admiration between Elgar and Strauss [CF]

eroica tovey elgar em records

Eroica (EM Records)

Rare British solo violin music [JW]

A New Light (EM Records)

A very measured Elgar Sonata and a world premiere of the Gurney Sonata [JW]

Elgar Violin Concerto Little Chandos CHSA5083 SACD

Elgar: Violin Concerto (Chandos)

(Déjà Review) Outstanding throughout [ST]

strings chandos

Music for Strings (Chandos)

An absolutely outstanding disc containing some of the best of English string music [EJW]

music strings chandos

Music for Strings (Chandos)

Superb playing and engineering; any reservations will centre upon the desirability of the programme [RMo]

British Choral Anthems (Naxos)

This recording of the Five Mystical Songs is touched by greatness [JQ]