
Segovia vol16 DHR8150

Andrés Segovia and his Contemporaries Vol 16 (Doremi)

Segovia in Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s Concerto live from Lucerne and a phalanx of historical guitar recordings [JW]

Klaus Tennstedt (conductor): Live Vol 2 (Doremi)

Not the most obviously representative Tennstedt performances, but nevertheless strong and committed [PBW]

tennstedt live doremi

Klaus Tennstedt (conductor) Live Recordings Vol. 3 (Doremi)

Despite slight reservations, these are performances of exceptional quality [PSt]

Arrau livev2 DHR82356

Claudio Arrau (piano) Live Vol 2 (Doremi)

Arrau in blistering form in this romantic repertoire [RCh]

beethoven violin doremi kogan gilels

Beethoven: Violin Sonatas (Doremi)

(Déjà Review) A once-in-a-lifetime portrait of two very great and even somewhat enigmatic artists at the top of their form [KS]

Deja Review Morini Doremi

Erica Morini (violin): Vol 3, Beethoven (Doremi)

(Déjà Review) Long may this worthy retrieval continue [JW]

Shostakovich qtets DHR79115

Shostakovich: The 15 String Quartets (Doremi)

An indispensable document for those who value unvarnished honesty of performance and a sense of direct link to the mind of the composer [EMc]

Radu Lupu (piano): Live Vol. 1 (Doremi)

Some welcome additions to the pianist’s discography [SG]

Presti lagoya DHR8140

Ida Presti & Alexandre Lagoya (guitars) Vol. 2 (Doremi)

A valuable contribution to the recorded history of the classical guitar [ZT]

Bach viola DHR780102

Bach: Cello Suites (Doremi)

Pioneering recordings by a superb violist at the height of her powers [JW]

Presti Vol2 DHR8140

Ida Presti & Alexandre Lagoya (guitars) Vol. 2 (Doremi)

A second souvenir of the art of this guitar duo, with special emphasis on the youthful brilliance of Ida Presti [JW]