
Thomas Jensen (conductor): Legacy Vol 23 (Danacord)

An interesting and eclectic collection showcasing Thomas Jensen’s manifest conductorial gifts [RMo]

Variations DACOCD984

Chopin Variations: Rachmaninov, Mompou & Busoni (Danacord)

Commanding performances of three works in homage to Chopin [JF]

husum2002 DACOCD609

Rarities of Piano Music at Schloss vor Husum Vol 14 (Danacord)

A fine selection of little known works by well-known and obscure composers each a masterpiece or a forgotten gem [JF]

J S Bach: Organ Works (Danacord)

(Déjà Review) I find these performances sure and faultless [GH]

Rarities of Piano Music at Schloss vor Husum 2023 (Danacord)

Treats galore in this annual release that never disappoints [RCh]

Rimsky-Korsakov & Bortkiewicz: Scheherazade (Danacord)

Enchanted music with appeal to lovers of fairy tales of all ages [JF]

schubert piano danacord

Schubert: Piano Works (Danacord)

Damgaard often achieves a wonderful calm in inspired interpretations [MG]

Bendix, Simonsen: Piano Concertos (Danacord)

(Déjà Review) Marshev is a capably sympathetic advocate for these neglected romantics [RB]

Louis Glass: Piano Works Volume 2 (Danacord)

Attractive piano miniatures by a late-Romantic Dane [RCh]

husum 2023 danacord

Rarities of Piano Music at Schloss vor Husum – 2023 Festival (Danacord)

Uniformly excellent performance of a wide range of pianistic rarities [JF] [JF]

Schubert: Moments musicaux, Drei Klavierstücke (Danacord)

Absorbing and moving performances [JF]

Prokofiev: Piano Concerti (Danacord)

(Déjà Review) This fine addition to the discography could well be your first choice [JF]

Ravel Orchestral Soustrot Danacord DACOCD982

Ravel: Orchestral Works (Danacord)

A stylish and beautifully played collection of Ravel orchestral pieces that started life as piano works [GPJ]

Launy Grøndahl (conductor): Legacy Volume 8 (Danacord)

A violin concerto-heavy serving of Grøndahl in 1950s broadcasts [JW]

Ravel soustrot DACOCD982

Ravel: Orchestral works (Danacord)

A wonderful primer to Ravel’s orchestrations [JF]

Louis Glass: Piano Works Volume 2 (Danacord)

Many pleasing moments for the engaged listener [JF]

jensen legacy danacord

Thomas Jensen (conductor) Legacy v22 (Danacord)

Discography expansion in the work of Thomas Jensen [JW]

Fathom five DACOCD607

Full Fathom Five (Danacord)

Altogether a pleasurable experience [RB]

jensen volume 21 danacord

Thomas Jensen (conductor) Legacy Vol. 21 (Danacord)

New music, unfamiliar music and Light Music form this focused twofer [JW]

bach brandenburg danacord

Bach: Brandenburg Concertos (Danacord)

A near-complete 1930s Brandenburg Concerto cycle from Berlin and interesting additions [JW]

Hartmann: Piano Works Volume 5 (Danacord)

Trondhjem continues exploring the pleasant piano music of this long-lived Dane [RCh]

Ravel: Complete Solo Piano Music Vol. 3 (Danacord)

The main works are ill-served by eccentric tempi and phrasing [RWe]

aarhus organ danacord

The Great Organ of Aarhus Cathedral (Danacord)

Superb performances, great sound quality, brilliant documentation and rewarding programming [JF]

Shostakovich: Piano Concertos (Danacord)

(Déjà Review) A perceptive coupling of thoughtful and scintillating performances recorded with warmth and clarity [PSe]