
Cantabile: Anthems for Viola (Delphian)

Two fine artists in a fascinating and wide-ranging programme [WH]

Britten rattle LSO0830

Britten: Spring Symphony, Sinfonia da Requiem (LSO Live)

Three superb Britten readings, including possibly the finest Spring Symphony on disc [GPJ]

Britten: The Turn of the Screw (Opus Arte)

(Déjà Review) James’ story in Britten’s setting emerges magnificently [CC]

Britten Spring Symph Rattle LSO Live LSO0830

Britten: Spring Symphony, Sinfonia da Requiem, Young Person’s Guide (LSO Live)

A successful and enjoyable Britten anthology [JQ]

Britten: Violin Concerto (Orfeo)

An eloquent performance of the main work with an interesting early work to complement it [SB]

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Sandrine Piau (soprano) Reflet (Alpha Classics)

An attractive programme of French orchestral songs that will provide much enjoyment, but there are better versions of the well-known songs [PT]

Britten: Serenade for tenor, horn and strings, Nocturne, Phaedra (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) Overall a superlative disc, with flawless and very characterful performances [EML]

Clarke, Britten & Bowen: British Music for Viola and Piano (Claves)

An international version of some very British works [SB]

Moon cello CHAN20274

Path to the Moon Works for cello & piano (Chandos)

Three sonatas and a raft of transcribed songs offer fruitful material for the Chandos pairing [JW]

The-Monarchs Music Collis Smith CRD 3545 barnardbarnard

The Monarch’s Music (CRD)

A timely and enjoyable celebration of music for royal occasions [WH]

britten albert herring decca

Britten: Albert Herring (Decca)

A touchstone recording which is hard to beat for its general excellence and superbly detailed sound [MP]

Noel Coward and Friends: A Most Marvellous Party (Signum Classics)

What an absolutely splendid party! Darling, I couldn’t have liked it more [PT]

Bella Adamova (contralto) There is home (Supraphon)

A superb recital of art songs, all of which perfectly suit her crystal-clear voice [SA]

britten requiem decca

Britten: War Requiem (Decca)

A landmark recording revealed in the stunning realism of a new transfer on SACD [JQ]

Advent Carols from St. John’s (Nimbus)

(Déjà Review) Evocative and beautifully sung [CT]

Century indifferent DCD34311

Our Indifferent Century (Delphian)

A fascinating programme, four works in search of a theme [WH]

Britten & Veale: Violin Concertos (Chandos)

(Déjà Review) A gorgeous disc that will have you reassessing the Britten and embracing the Veale concerto [RB]

The-Monarchs Music Collis Smith CRD 3545 barnardbarnard

The Monarch’s Music (CRD)

Admirers of music for Military Band and its performing traditions will enjoy this diverse programme [NB]

Britten: A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Opus Arte)

A superior reissue of Peter Hall’s other superlative Britten production from Glyndebourne [PCG]

english tenor divine art

The English Tenor (Divine Art)

An enjoyable recital by a newcomer to the field of English Art Song [EJW]

unveiled thomas delphian

Elgan Llŷr Thomas (tenor) Unveiled (Delphian)

A themed recital with three first recordings [WH]

britten noyes pristine

Britten: Noye’s Fludde (Pristine Audio)

Fine historical performances indispensable to any Britten collection [WH]

Britten: Albert Herring (Opus Arte)

An unmatchable and irreplaceable video makes a welcome return to the catalogues [PCG]

Britten songs CDH55067

Britten: Michelangelo Sonnets (Hyperion)

A convincing collection, well-sung, played and recorded [CG]