Black Box

Talbot Dying Swan Black Box BBM1078

Talbot: The Dying Swan (Black Box)

(Déjà Review) A genuine voice for the new millennium. Played superbly [CT]

Deja MacMillan Kiss on Wood Black Box BBM1008

MacMillan: Chamber Music (Black Box)

(Déjà Review) A comprehensive survey of the chamber music, superbly played [HC]

Deja Volans SQ-1-2-6 Duke Black Box BBM1069

Volans: String Quartets Nos 1, 2 & 6 (Black Box)

(Déjà Review) The instrumental combinations and sonorities make for compelling listening [TB]

Turnage Music to Hear Black Box BBM1065

Turnage: Music to Hear (Black Box)

(Déjà Review) Turnage’s chamber music has a restrained confessional tone far from Turnage’s “public” statements. His chamber music communicates directly through simplicity, subtlety and sincerity. Highly accessible and communicative music [HC]