
Graupner Partitas Analekta

Graupner: Partitas for Harpsichord Vol. 5 (Analekta)

(Déjà Review) Gorgeous music, excellently played and recorded, which will surely give great pleasure to all who love the harpsichord music of this era [GPu]

Hetu Symph 5 Analekta AN28890

Hétu: Symphony No 5 (Analekta)

A splendid performance of Jacques Hétu’s final masterpiece [HC]

Bach sonatas AN29829

Bach: Sonatas for Violin & Harpsichord Vol. 1 (Analekta)

A disc that will have pride of place on my shelf and one that is sure to get repeated listening [KS]

Mozart: Piano Concertos Nos 20 & 23 (Analekta)

Illuminating, especially the clarified swing between minor and major perspectives in Concerto No 20 [MG]

Glass signature AN28755

Glass: Signature (Analekta)

For the Glass waverers out there, this might be the disc that dispels doubts [DJB]