
Copland: Billy the Kid, Statements, Symphony No 3 (Alto)

Restraint, clarity, freshness and leanness inform these performances [JF]

Handel: Messiah (Alto)

A brilliant, flawless live performance graced by some stellar solo singing [RMo]

Beach piano ALC1481

Beach: Piano Music (Alto)

Virginia Eskin perfectly understands this mixture of drama, nature worship and contemplation [WK]

south american orchestral gems alto

South American Orchestral Gems (Alto)

A well-planned survey of classic South American music in remarkably fine 1950s recordings [NB]

Kreisler: String Quartet; Korngold: String Quartet No.3 (Alto)

Admirable reissues still hold their own [JW]

Byrd choral ALC1486

Byrd: Anthems, Motets, Services (Alto)

A most enjoyable and nicely varied selection of pieces by Byrd [JQ]

Price choice ALC1482

Leontyne Price (soprano) Personal Choice (Alto)

One of the most glorious female voices of the 20th century, in a selection from famous recordings [EJW]

11 Famous Cathedral Organs – recital (Alto)

Thirteen pieces, eleven cathedral organs, nine organists, one excellent concept [JF]

Myaskovsky Cpt Symphonic Works v1 Olympia OCD731

Myaskovsky: Complete Symphonic Works (Olympia/Alto)

(Déjà Review) A major stride forward in the Myaskovsky revival. Strong and broadly expressed interpretations mostly in modern digital recordings [RB]

Gorecki Symph 3 Woytowicz Alto ALC1494

Górecki: Symphony No 3 (Alto)

Amongst the most moving recordings of Górecki’s Third featuring the soprano who premiered the work [JW]

Hummel: Concertos & Septet (Alto)

Hummel’s music doesn’t aim for profundity, but its elegance, grace and intelligence are well-served in this reissue [GPu]

Weinberg: String Quartets (Alto)

Early accounts of two introspective quartets and of two often upbeat orchestral works [RB]

Bloch: Orchestral Works (Alto)

Often eloquently introspective but rising to anger and vigour [RB]

Amadeus Quartet (Alto)

Deeply felt and beautifully played, flawless intonation and ensemble, but inferior balance and sound [RMo]

weinberg alc1036

Weinberg: Chamber Symphonies 1 & 4 (Alto)

A fine re-issue of music by one of the 20th century’s most important symphonic composers [GT]

Mozart: Piano Concerti No. 9 & 14 (Alto)

(Déjà Review) A splendid reminder of early Brendel, still sounding very well [BW]

Corelli Concerti Grossi-Murphy Alto ALC1473

Corelli: Concerti Grossi (Alto)

Vital, elegant, discreetly period accounts of some delightful music but also some short on originality or inspiration [RMo]

Joan Sutherland (soprano) Personal Choices (Alto)

Stellar singing but scanty recording information and some tracks are in poor sound [RMo]

Vaughan Williams symphonies ALC1470

Vaughan Williams: Symphonies (Alto)

A fine pairing from two English conductors and orchestras, immersed in the idiom but in their very different ways [RMo]