
Candlelight Carols – Christmas with Allmänna Sången (BIS)

(Déjà Review) Riches galore on this disc [GF]

Alfvén: Symphony No. 4, Festival Overture (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) Should win many new friends for Alfvén’s music [WT]

Bjorling Til Havs Swedish Society SCD1100

Jussi Björling (tenor) Til Havs (Swedish Society Discofil)

(Déjà Review) A treasure snatched from last minute oblivion and a memorable memento of a great voice and personality [RB]

busch guild mendelssohn

Fritz Busch (conductor) (Guild)

(Déjà Review) A welcome addition to Guild’s Fritz Busch series [BBr]