
British String Miniatures Vol 1 (ASV)

(Déjà Review) Lithe and insightful traversals [JW]

british concerti SRCD416

British Piano Concertos (Lyrita)

Premiere recordings of three neglected but attractive piano concertos [JW

british concerti SRCD416

British Piano Concertos (Lyrita)

Five-star performances and recordings of second tier works [NB]

Jacob, Addison, Rubbra: Piano Concerti (Lyrita Recorded Edition)

Otherwise unheard, these works are neither rugged nor rebarbative but beckon and reward [RB]

Whistling book english recorder music divine art DDA21241

The Whistling Book (Divine Art)

An absorbing smorgasbord of music, from grade pieces for tyros to major recital works [JF]