First Hand Records

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FHR04Cherkassy HMV recsreview
FHR05London Mozart Playersreview review
FHR06Boult Nixa recs v1review
FHR07Boult Nixa recs v2review
FHR14Pfitzner CCreview
FHR15Mozart sy PCreview review
FHR16Tchaikovsky Prokofiev sysreview
FHR19Cherkassky 1971 recitalsreview
FHR28CPE Bach keybd Empfindsamer stylereview
FHR29Hidden violinreview
FHR34Keys Brahms cello sonsreview
FHR36Cynthia’s Revelsreview
FHR37Shostakovich rare chmbr wksreview
FHR38Vilsmayr vln partitasreview
FHR40Sebok Meslay recitalreview
FHR44Egorov recital 1980review review
FHR46Tatyana Nikolayeva 1989 recitalreview review
FHR47DEgorov recital 1978review
FHR49de Saram cello wksreview
FHR53Curci VCsreview review review review
FHR56Janowitz last recitalreview review
FHR57Russian vln sonsreview review
FHR58Strauss Tillreview
FHR59Haydn Mozart Schubert sysreview
FHR60Early stereo v3review
FHR61Frances-Hoad Even you song review
FHR63Ireland Casella concsreview
FHR64Busoni PCreview
FHR65Bach WTCreview
FHR70Bach French suitesreview
FHR71Haydn pno sons v1review
FHR72Haydn pno sons v2review
FHR78Noctuelles review
FHR79Early stereo v4review
FHR80History of the salonreview
FHR82Early stereo v5review
FHR85Sibelius Early Stereo Recordings v6review
FHR88Mayer concsreview
FHR89Cabinet of wonders v1review
FHR91Handel vla da gambareview
FHR95Bach Art of fuguereview
FHR96Beethoven pno triosreview
FHR97Requiebros review
FHR99Shura Cherkassky (pno) The Ambassador Auditorium Recitalsreview review
FHR119Violin odyssey review review
FHR120Shostakovich sysreview
FHR122Bach kybd wksreview
FHR126Wilson Thief of Baghdadreview review
FHR127Arc Ireview
FHR128Arc IIreview
FHR129Arc IIIreview
FHR133Future is female v3review
FHR137Vestiva – Embellishing 16th and 17th Century Musicreview
FHR140Weill Threepenny operareview
FHR141Bach transcriptionsreview
FHR148Hensel liederreview
FHR149Eller works for violin & pianoreview
FHR157The Secrets of Andalusiareview
FHR158Ravel Violin Sonata 2 Piano Trio
FHR161Murrill The Rediscovered Songsreview
FHR174Quartets through a time of changereview