
20024E Franck VC in D & Symph in B-flatreview
20025E Franck VC in E & Symph in Areview
20032E Franck two SQ’sreview
20033E Franck SQ & Piano Quintetreview
21402Scriabin complete pno sonsreview
21403Furtwangler live Berlinreview
21405Knappertsbusch RIAS recsreview
21437Forrester portraitreview
23411Strauss Fledermaus Fricsayreview
21415RIAS Bach cantata projectreview
21419Katchen Liszt Beethovenreview
21421Bach Christmas oratorioreview
21423Celibidache Berlin recsreview
21424Beethoven str qts Amadeus Qtreview
21425Amadeus Qt v5review
21426Haydn str qts Amadeus Qt v6review
21428Schubert str qts Amadeus Qtreview
21433Nelsova concs sonatasreview
21438Bolet RIAS v1review
21451Beethoven pno sonsreview
21455Tortelier RIAS recsreview
21456Qt Italiano RIAS recsreview
21459Bolet Berlinreview
21464Karajan The Early Lucerne Yearsreview
23403Mahler Symph 3 Kubelikreview
23420Beethoven pno sons Backhausreview
23422Solomon Berlinreview
23424Martzy RIASreview
23436Mendelssohn chmbr wksreview
23439Grieg complete sym wksreview
23441Schumann Beethoven Furtwanglerreview
23445Bach Reger transcrreview
80461Beethoven sy9review
91402Romantic Rarities for Oboe and Harpreview
91518Franck organ wks v1review
92522R Franck pno qtsreview
92524Schubert str qts v2review
92528Shostakovich str qtsreview
92545Janacek str qtsreview
92550Mendelssohn pno triosreview
92551Mahler sy8review
92554Brahms clarinet trio & sonsreview
92562Massonneau oboe qtsreview
92565Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungenreview
92573Christmas preludesreview
92652Polychoral splendourreview
92653Music for Two Organsreview
92671Grieg orch wks v5review
92672Pas de deuxreview
95467Mahler sy1 Kubelikreview
95471Mahler Symph 9 Kubelikreview
95480Mahler Symph 6 Kubelikreview
95491Mahler Das Lied von der Erde Baker/Kmentt/Fricsayreview
95497Bizet Carmen h’lights Fricsayreview
95499Tchaikovsky Liszt PCs Cherkassy Fricsayreview
95582Schumann lieder Fischer-Dieskaureview
95586Strauss Heldenleben Bohmreview
95589Tchaikovsky sy4 Ormandyreview
95592Brahms sy 1 Bohmreview
95593Beethoven sys 7 & 8 Fricsayreview
95600Wolf lieder Fischer-Dieskaureview
95601Beethoven Brahms songs Fischer-Dieskaureview
95607Rabin Bruch VC1review
95621Beethoven VC de Vitoreview
95622Brahms PC1 Schumann CC du Prereview
95623Beethoven Mozart PCs Haskil Casadesusreview review
95624Tchaikovsky Bartok VCs Sternreview
95625Brahms Dvorak sys Szellreview review
95627Abbado Lucernereview
95628Dvorak Saint-Saens CCs Fournierreview
95639Janigro Zagreb soloistsreview
95642Schubert Brahms Kletzkireview
95644Mozart Henze VCs Schneiderhanreview review
95647Mathis recitalreview
95648Armin Jordan Lucerne concertsreview
97346Kaminski & Reger cello & pno musicreview
97411Schumann org wksreview
97500French saxophonereview
97503Brahms & contemporaries v1review
97505Brahms Desoff str qtsreview
97507Schubert str qts v1review
97532Encounters with Schumannreview
97533Ouverture wks for saxophone qtreview
97535Mozart VC5 Strauss Domestic syreview
97538Come blow your hornreview
97539Muffat massreview
97540Leopold I Paradisireview review
97693Beethoven pno trio v2review
97694Beethoven pno trio v3review
97698Violoncelle Francais review
97701Flute sonatasreview
97709Ravel str qtreview review
97710Debussy Rivier str qtsreview
97711Stille Nachtreview
97713Tientos y Glosasreview
97714Reger chmbr wksreview
97715Brahms string sextetsreview
97722Prokofiev vln/pnoreview
97724Brahms str qntsreview review
97727Milhaud Martinu str triosreview
97733Prokofiev VCsreview review
97734Dvorak CCreview
97754Prokofiev October revolutonreview review review review
97755Strauss orch wksreview
97760Liszt Dante syreview
97761Liszt Faust Symphreview
97762Kurtag Scenesreview
97764Liszt Sardanapalo review
97769Johann Ernst VCsreview review
97770 JB Bach orch suitesreview
97773Mozart str triosreview
97774Widor organ sy8review
97775Venturini concerti review
97783Basevi Codex review
97790Virtuosi review review
97794Kodaly cello wksreview
97797Fontana Notari Mantuareview
97799Werner Salve Reginareview
97802French celloreview
97807Impromptu harp review
97813Déjà-rêvé – Dialogues across timereview
97814Sparks of Spirit. Schubert Bach Reger Rachmaninovreview
97816Bach reconstructedreview
97818On Byrd’s Wings – William Byrd and his Circlereviews
97819Werner Masses & Motetsreview
97821Locatelli Introduttionireview
97825Faure Authentique – Complete Works for Cello and Pianoreview
97832Václav Neumann (conductor) Dvorak & Smetanareview